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is the game ever going to get updated?


Fun game but seems to have some bugs if you try running it on a screen with a refresh rate higher than 60hz. I was running it at 1920x1080 at 120hz with the game in fullscreen and Kyoko would blur when moving and there was a lot of input lag on the attack button. Interestingly this doesn't happen in any of the windowed screen sizes. A simple workaround at the moment is to set your monitor to 60hz it seems but it would be nice if this was fixed because my first impression of this game before I noticed this was a bug was "has the developer ever played a fighting game ever in their life?" because the input lag was just that bad.

Wow good to know! 

I never tested on anything higher than 60Hz, but I'm also pretty sure I locked it to only run at a max of 60FPS. So maybe that's where the problem is, but I'm not sure haha. I've played a few fighting games in my day ;) 


Thats very relieving. I know I've played more than one game where the game mechanics were simply bad and usually just a result of a lacking of testing the game play. In any case I really wish there was more to this game. For now I guess I'll just have to play River City Girls though it definitely won't be quite the same as this considering it's not an erotic game.

Hehe have fun!


Had the same issue, thanks for your input, helped me fix my game.


Cool game, just wish there was more controller support; The special attacks aren’t working, and you can’t buy anything from the vending machines. All I can do is attack, and move.

Sorry about that, deff didn't think about controllers when designing things. 

But maybe try one of those programs that can map keys to controller buttons? 

I already did that. Fun game by the way, but it’s too short (or maybe I just died early). Everything works now.


This was really good, wish it was longer and had other characters to play as. Variate of bad guys would be nice, maybe one or two female opponents.. Maybe being able to use the special on multiple targets at once. Maybe if you activate the special in certain spots you get a cool seen, like in front of the bathroom. I like the Easter egg in the last room. Wish you could intact with it


in some small update ... add Misako xd

and make a version for Android, play the game cool

plz make game online


 android pls x3


can you play it on iPhone 11?


Please make a sequel to this, it's so good!

Is there any where to get the intro song?  That was great!


Is there any plan to add Misako?

(1 edit) (+1)

Not at this time...


Still hoping Misako joins someday! Thanks for your work on this and the quick reply! 


That intro music was unironically slapping

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm in love with Kamuo work and hotpink!
I wonder if you artist/developers are girls or boys? Sorry but I'm just new to the scene :)


Does it really matter? ;) hehe

Deleted 3 years ago

The bad part is that you need both hands to play


or do you? ;) 


legendary reaction


Are all characters 18 or older?


Yep, and you should be too ;) 


holy fuck i wanna cum so much on her shes so hot i wanna die right now


slow down there tiger


Can you make an Android newsletter?
(1 edit) (+4)(-2)

pls can you guys add a boss battle? come on, only  1 it's enough,i want it, they want it, you want it, everyone want it, just pleeeease continue with this project

it's fucking awesome 


Hell yeah, extra animations would be dope! But I would rather like an extended game (With level up, exp farming, you get some extra time, a roguelike mode or something) right now is just like a showcase (A really epic one, I love the bang guys system lol, in most games you usually get banged when you lose, but Kyoko is savage, I would love to see Misako too, I think they spent too much time on underwears, isn't important for me, I just wanted to get them all.)


This was a lot of fun. I hope there will be more added. ^^


The sex audio sounds like they're from Dude That's Lewd's youtube videos. I hope that you made her aware that they are being used in your game.


Thank you for such a high-quality and cool game. Is there any chance that the game will receive a content update in the near future?

Maybe not an update... but could be planning... something ;) 


we still waiting for some easter egg y'know?


This GAME Is real ;-;


Please make an android apk :((


It would be pretty nice to have an android apk for this with some buttons mapped to a move that the computer versions have.



Deleted 4 years ago

You can delete the save file which I believe is in the playerprefs 

On Windows it should be somewhere around HKCU\Software\[company name]\[product name] 

On Mac ~/Library/Preferences folder, in a file named unity.[company name].[product name].plist,

Something like that, but I might be misremembering... so let me know if you figure it out! 

Deleted 4 years ago

Yea that will do it! 

What file were those values under? 

Deleted 4 years ago

Ahhh yes yes right! 

Hope you have fun the second time around ;) 


Please. Delete this game from internet


Why's that? 😢


because it is disgusting, and gathers around itself only weebs


maybe delete the internet Wijolt, its not for you fam.


@Hotpink no need to delete a game that some people don't like. Honestly, anyone under 18 shouldn't be viewing any game like this.


Here comes our white knight on his trusty donkey "abstinence" telling adults what to do. 




pls expand this game


expand dong.


Everything about this is amazingly well done. graphics and audio is easily 9/10, Only problem is the game-play is much too short. I would easily pay for a version of this with at least 30 minutes of content (unlockables aside). As it stands right now its just too short. I really hope you provide some more content for it.


Thanks for your kind words and maybe can make something bigger for you in the future!! 


This game rules and the animations are super hot! More pleeeeeease <3


Really hope you guys keep building on this! Game over lewds and yuri would be amazing!

I second this


What is the use of the tentacle?


I tought the same, but then I just saw is a reference from another videogame of them :D




I need more lewd scenes!! This game is just awesome!


I made the game crash by getting hit while changing screen.

Other than that, great game.


Lots of fun, and such the art really remains faithful to the original! 10/10 would cum again


Good game, lots of fun.  Plenty of potential to expand it.  Even just collecting the clothes makes you want to keep grinding.

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