When I try to open the developer Twitter, multiple tabs pop up. When I try to change the screen size, the game starts. When the game starts, the character doesn't stop attacking.
can you add more levels? or maybe like a losing animation depending on the level and SP? and maybe a time limit (optional) and if it runs out her boyfriend will go looking elsewhere and catch her cheating? (add futas pleasee)
You could add a simple detail to the game, which is whenever the character has vaginal sex, you will be able to see cum leaking onto her legs even after the act.
well, personally, I would like a new female character, so that there is a choice of characters, new voice acting, and new animations, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants this
then make a paid version with like 3 or 4 levels with different animations. I know for a fact that loads of people will buy that. Though you do make a point, but you make great games
I got this running great on my steam deck. Question, what button is to pause the game? Are there any other buttons needed besides space, z, x, and E? also, I'd like to ask/add will you be making anymore smashup retro pixel games like these? Bc, this is gold. A little bummed it's a short run, but still, it's a work of art 👍 I've been looking for games like these with nsfw material.
Thanks! I don't think there is a pause? Can't remember tbh haha. And none currently in the works, but have deff wanted to do a spiritual successor at some point ;)
when I extract the PC zip it comes out as a folder titled _MACOSX and contains only a single file titled ._lewd city girls 1.0.1 PC
I thought that maybe the PC and Mac downloads were swapped but that wasn't the issue. not sure if I have something set to block the extraction but winrar tends to work for everything else
Well the only thing that saves is the condom amount, and which outfits you have unlocked. And they should save automatically. Did you loose any of that progress?
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Game is bugged now
Am I only having problem?
When I try to open the developer Twitter, multiple tabs pop up.
When I try to change the screen size, the game starts.
When the game starts, the character doesn't stop attacking.
Weird. What platform are you on? Also what resolution and refresh rate is your monitor at?
Since you worked with Kamuo, do you know if they're planning on developing more games in the future?, or are you two not in contact anymore?
Yeah we talk from time to time. They always working on cool stuff, and think they have a few games cooking
can you add more levels? or maybe like a losing animation depending on the level and SP? and maybe a time limit (optional) and if it runs out her boyfriend will go looking elsewhere and catch her cheating? (add futas pleasee)
Maybe if we do a sequel thing ever ;)
please do :)
please do :)
Hotpink, you didn't answer my previous question. How come there are no female enemies?
Sorry. Just didn't have time to take them :P
So about the female enemies... Is there a reason why they aren't present in the game despite them being common in the original game?
I just said. We didn't have time to make them. We only made the one enemy here...
There seems to be a bug where my attack inputs aren't always registered. Movement works fine though.
is your refresh rate high? If over 60 it could be missing the polling I put in place for this game.
Yes, it's 240hz. How do I limit it for this game?
Maybe in your system settings for the whole monitor/pc?
Didn't have it built in for this game, but do have buffer in our more modern games :P
Is a Android Version planned?
no, sorry
I didn't know the OG game before and played this first. Now whenever I see the OG game I think: ''sex.''
nice lol
I like this
How come there's no option for female enemies?
Definitely needs more. Or a new game based on this idea
Will you make a mobile version?
no plans too
You could add a simple detail to the game, which is whenever the character has vaginal sex, you will be able to see cum leaking onto her legs even after the act.
Please make an android version
Love the game but is there any more updates
None currently planned. But maybe a spiritual successor someday!
I already told you my ideia
I really liked the game, everything is great in it, from music to sprite animation, but I would like you to release an update for this game
No plans for an update but what would you want in it?
well, personally, I would like a new female character, so that there is a choice of characters, new voice acting, and new animations, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants this
Yeah, would be great! ;)
i think a full release with new characters would be dope as well
Pls addandroid!!!!
Why please your game is cool I want it and I don't have iPhone :(
Please ad android PLEASE
When can I play it in Android?
how do I go on the game on iPhone
you cannot
i wish it was a bigger gam
Well yeah but it's free :)
then make a paid version with like 3 or 4 levels with different animations. I know for a fact that loads of people will buy that.
Though you do make a point, but you make great games
yeah would love to ;D but making that is harddddd so would take lots of time. But deff want to :)
ok, thanks for letting me know. I'll shut up now
haha you fine. Thanks for the kind words and support :)
I think it's actually really cool, that u see a tentacle out of a locker! It's a cool secret!
this is a really good parody of river city girls! can you add more sex scenes?
No plans too for this game but other games sure!
how do you do this on iPhone?
you can't lol sorry
ya ok
This was a delight lol
I got some major input lag, any ideas why? (I am using a Razer Ornata keyboard)
hmmm idk if a keyboard would cause that. what kinda monitor and what fps ya at?
AOC C27G2Z, not sure about FPS, as I've messed with them while playing and it didn't help
hmmm no clue then
I can’t figure out how to do this on iPhone, do you know?
Impossible sadly
i remember when this was free
it IS free still?!?
I got this running great on my steam deck. Question, what button is to pause the game? Are there any other buttons needed besides space, z, x, and E? also, I'd like to ask/add will you be making anymore smashup retro pixel games like these? Bc, this is gold. A little bummed it's a short run, but still, it's a work of art 👍 I've been looking for games like these with nsfw material.
Thanks! I don't think there is a pause? Can't remember tbh haha. And none currently in the works, but have deff wanted to do a spiritual successor at some point ;)
When is android version is coming
Wait they are making a android version?
no lol sorry not happening :(
no worries lol😝
Why not?
This game just extracts a broken zip file. sure this is legit?
what's broken about it?
when I extract the PC zip it comes out as a folder titled _MACOSX and contains only a single file titled ._lewd city girls 1.0.1 PC
I thought that maybe the PC and Mac downloads were swapped but that wasn't the issue. not sure if I have something set to block the extraction but winrar tends to work for everything else
What's in the _MACOSX folder? I zipped the game up on mac, so it puts that folder in there.
it's just that single file titled ._Lewd City Girls 1.0.1 PC
it doesn't open to anything it's just a single file.
Weird! Haven't heard anyone else having that issue. Maybe try a redownload and fresh unzip.
Plz make for android
Please make for Android.
Version for Android please!!!
I love this game, I really want new updates
Thanks! Nothing planned yet, but always want to do a spiritual successor someday ;D
Can you fix the controller support please the jump button doesn't work and the move around stick doesn't work and action button
how do you save?
i lost my progress when i left the game
Well the only thing that saves is the condom amount, and which outfits you have unlocked. And they should save automatically. Did you loose any of that progress?
No sorry :(
Hello, I was very impressed with your game, but I don't have a PC. What about the android port? Sorry to disturb
No worries, but not for this game, sorry.
When will it be updated?
It's fun. I support it.
when do we get an update?
It's been finished. We working on other games now
oh ok