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why the game looks like this after I minimize it? And how I fix it? 


please notice this, i downloaded the game and see nothing at all, what do i do to fix?


I have been here for an hour and haven't seen the girl in the bottom right. Do I have to do something special?

yes ;)

what to do to get golden girl


Get each girl 5 times. Then you get goldielocks


Pls notice me that this can have a android version pls i wanna play it on android can u do something else for android😭...All people are waiting for android version:(

Btw cool game😭

how to open the game

  1. when you see a error extract I
  2. wait for it to finish extracting
  3. when its done let the game load
  4. and now have fun

can you update it that so we can see more lewd like boo- (fill it in yourself)


this is such a fun game! i wish there were more tentacle hentai game


make it a browser


Great game I wanted to try it since a lot of people have been playing it and it's been a big trend on TikTok for a lot of gacha people that make edits but not showing the 18+ part but how do you get the girl out of the locker because in the last pic the girl was out of the locker and I was trying to get her out to have a full game before closing the game.

press escape key


Do more 18+ games like this I like.

Check out our profile for more! 


please make it for mac books


it is on mobile




My Eyes is Hurt 

I Need Holy Water

(1 edit) (-1)

Idk why but I cant opne the game T-T

extract it

it takes me to the app store TvT

what app store? 

Deleted 118 days ago

we didn't do that 😢

Deleted 118 days ago
(1 edit)

we could file a DMCA, but then it could just pop up again else where. Everything on that page is a front or a ghost.



stfu pls

(1 edit) (-1)

you stfu cOcklol


(1 edit) (-3)

why cant you download it


It's a cool game, but they should make a game on Mobile for those who don't have PCs that would like to play the game.


it is a mobile game


no it's not

Deleted 118 days ago

its on the app store for iOs it says 9+ LMAO

oh noooooo

Will see what we can do

Pls amke mobile version i will support u 

Though it's not the same it still has the same concept. you just dont see the tentacles going in and stuff. its pretty low quality compared to the original


Bro i have to report this game why did you make this game we have pornhub snd xxx videos theres no reason to make this game


lol what?

(2 edits) (+1)

M8 it says adult content in the tags

deal with it 

Guys help when i start my laptop it says login and it says loading its stuck on the loading

then ingore it

tentacle locker sounds scary


why don't you guys make a port for android cell



i cant play it. i only can see black screen


when i try to download it it says "Failed - Forbidden" can anyone help me cause its been a few days and no ones getting back to me. :/

Deleted post

are you sure your on a different device cause it says windows onl

How do you get the ponytailed girl? I never seen her or caught her befor


which one?


the new one on the bottom right. She's sparkly lol

u need to play more :T


i dowloaded it but i cant open it :c

Me too, but it's probably the device. I think you can only open it on Windows. I tried on Chromebook and it didn't open the file. It's on view only for me. 

i downloaded it from another site now i can play but forgot where did i downloaded it


did you try extracting it works tho

Great game, love the animations! Rather than ask for mor girls, maybe try different locker animations? There could be a new animation with the rare golden girl. Either that or maybe make something special happen when you take the same girl too many times

puts how to become a person and call girls and more girls pls

I download it and i open it and it says the unity player dll is wrong

Deleted 269 days ago

k faggot

Deleted 269 days ago


j’aimerais modificateur le fichier du jeux avec l’unité commentaire puije faire ???


is a web version possible ?


not at this time 


it won't let me play it. why?


for some clarification, i found out how to make this work, this could just be a me problem though.

step one: download 1.0 and 1.1 64bit

step two: open 1.0 and wait til it starts playing

step three: close 1.0 and open 1.1 64bit

now this works for me, and maybe not you idk, i'm just trying to help


Does anyone know how to get the last girl in the bottom right?

do every girl until they blush in the collection photo thingy and they will so sometimes appear, but be warned, it's not that good


Baby blue buildings far above the crystal grove Magenta plated terrace with a table and a stove Guarded golden railing just to frame the pretty stars Fix that old piano and the birds will fall apart

i downloaded the game what now?


how do I play this on mobile? I’m on an iPad btw 


u cant dumb

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