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oop im quite excited


Hey, I have a problem. When I tried to play your game again on my computer it gave me an error message saying I needed permission from admin. I am the sole owner of my computer and don't know why it would ask this. I then tried to delete your game so I could go back and download without having 2 copies, and, voila, it said I needed permission. Please help me figure out how to delete it please.


you click more info and allow to let it access its a windows defence thing


wooooo would love to see more of this game! the artstyle and theme are PERFECT for my taste!

I keep having a problem with downloading one of the files (UNITY3D.File) and have been at it for a day now. Does anyone have a way i can fix it.

 this is the error (sorry for low quality)

you can't instal winrar and new version Tenacle Locker (1.1) is problem if you on folders you have that you on winrar you have folder click his name game and click no folder  that click

ЧЕ ТАМ МОЖЕТ ВЕСИТ 250 мб нахуй?!?!?


Something is wrong with the game as I tried all three files and not a single one worked. It acted like it would, but then went to a pure black tab and did absolutely nothing. I forgot about it for a couple days and left all three tabs open. I just deleted all of them from my computer because even after being left open for days, it was still a black screened tab


i want a android version pls

How do I full screen the game?


Can You Make A Mac Version?

Are u single


I like how you can just grab the same girl over and over again if you really wanted to.

That's hot.


Hi, Just wanted to say that i loved the game but i really fell like it needs more content to make it more enjoyable, I saw a comment about a Egg fertilization. That would be pretty neat. But another thought i have in mind is that the lockers could fully trap the girls by having them sink into the squish pinkness and hold them there forever. Or maybe they could suck out the cum once the girls are done, I just would love to see more added to this game. So Please update soon! <3


Can i get this for android, and also does this game really need more than 4GB of ram ot is it just my laptop I have a potato laptop and i was unable to run it because my ram had reached 95% and I really wanted to play this HELP!


...bleach plz




Just came from Catgirl Christmas, I knew I recognized the art style! Anyways, love your work Annue.


i cant open a zip file because i dont have any money to pay for the subscription. can you make a non-zip file please?


Since when do you need a subscription to unzip files? lol 

Ну сделайте уже мобильную версию все же просят ;)


Just use 7zip, it's free.

just open the file double click on it click on the other file (srry for the low qualaty) now double click on that file then open the game file 


Can you make a android version?


Yes, an android version for the 12 year olds who want hentai but there phone cant go to pornhub because parental controls




I want it bc my laptop,screen broke and I ain't using my huge TV as a screen to risk siblings walking in 😭😭😭 I'm way older than 12

Hey hotpink, i was just wondering on how you could open this game. I have winrar and i cant seem to figure out how to download/extract it, help would be appreciated.


Did you download it? And the unzip it? Or where are you stuck? 


Maybe after 10 "captures" during the c o o m scene an egg fertilization scene plays? Could be disabled in the currently just for show options tab for those who aren't into that sort of thing.


Great job on the game <3 Short and sweet but still very enjoyable <3 aside from the special girl, is there any other secrets or anything? Just dont wanna miss anything~


TY for the kind words 😊

Nothing more secret than that 😘


Can you PLSSS make this available on mobile//phone ❤️


no <3


Can you make this game  available in Android


Not likely


can there be a update where you can get two girls in a locker?


I'm not the type to play games like this buy I am a completionist. do I just have to wait for the rare girl or is she in a locker or something?

If you capture all the girls a certain number of times, then she is unlocked, I can't remember the number though. It's like, 50 or something, I think. Maybe lower.

Not nearly that many, all that you actually need to do is capture each type of girl twice in a row. At least, that seems to be the trigger in my experience.

My mistake then. I'm used to overly large numbers in games like these; and truthfully I only played this one long enough to appreciate the art.

Okay cool thank you :)

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 3 years ago

are there any updates planned for the future?

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted post
Deleted 3 years ago

hello this game is a lot of fun and i would love to get a new uptate on ths amazing game.
I think it would be good to ad new ways in the locker like UP to chose oral or from behind because only one way is a bit boring.
but this game is still wonderfull and amazing.
hope you guys make more uptates.


New ideas thread? Looks like a promising game, but looks early in development


For those of us on windows, I got mine to work by downloading the x64 version and opening the application. Once I did this, I clicked on the black window once. It stopped responding, but I waited and it did end up working.


Did you use a specific app cuz if I attempt to open in files it doesn't work

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

Can you add iOS so I can play this beautiful game without getting caught?


Caught by who?!? 


My parents :(


Heyyy, problem, if you are in the age that you dont want to get caught, maybe dont play porn games

How old are you?

21 dont want my parents to find out I watch cartoon for porn now do I

I watch cartoon for porn

do you think you could add more girls or maybe cleavage?


will you be releasing a Mac version?


No plans to at the moment sadly :(

Does the options button do anything? it has a little animation when i mouse over or click it, but that's it. just curious


The secrets to its powers, is that it does nothing 🙃

really good maybe add more features

will it be fixed OvO


Are there any plans to make a apk/Android version of this game? If so, is there a expected date for the release?


No plans for mobile at this time! 


Umm it can Download to phone?



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