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You have a discord sever?

Deleted 136 days ago


Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 136 days ago

maybe a separate game...



Is this a one time payment thing? Or do I have to buy it every update?

One time!

Deleted 1 year ago

For SubStar supporters it does 

You will be make gym?


Pls make android ver free




pls work for free


no lol

I bought the christ update and was wondering if I have to buy the Feb update as well


You won't


I think the person saying "pls work for free" was making a sarcastic joke about what Mikekw66 was saying when they asked you to make the android version free.


"pls stop getting paid for your work"

Gym is to the right


when will gym update come to PC and Can you add teachers and mor


pretty soon sure


wheres the gym

tentacle locker 1

please to apk


wheres the gym


wheres the gym


Where gym update ?



Would you like to add game to steam?

I'd rather buy it there


We cannot, sorry. 

Why? If it's not secret.


Steam does not allow Adult games with this type of setting 


Second comment on this site

Just wanna say this game is great and i cant wait to see more updates


Thanks! We will keep working at it! 

Deleted 203 days ago

Thats an L


How often does updates happen?


Little more than a month usually 


Cool, just don't over work yourself-


Add men pls, I wanna see pp






That's kinda gay and i'm pretty sure this game is made for straight men


I love how y'all just don't think straight women could also play porn games

(1 edit)

Nah I just never mention it but why so you play porn games? For the dick and tentacles? I have many questions sorry but in a game affiliated with tentacles and girls made for mainly straight men is the place i'd least expect to see a straight woman also heres another question do you want to see men get touched by tentacles?


We make games for everyone who wants to play them :) 

Deleted 268 days ago

Ahhhhhhhhh ok


No money to pay, I'm sorry.  But wait, it's only $5. Can't you guys make some money?  Or can't apply for a credit card?  Don't you want to try and make some money?  Asked to make a free version but didn't know how to create a game on another platform that the creators never made it difficult for them. 

I just saw some very stupid comments.


wait why is it downvoted

people grow some reading comprehension this guy's complaining about those who want the game for free, hence "why don't you just make some money or make one your own"


He should've used quotation marks and a few other things like commas etc. I'm assuming he's esl so it seems like he's complaining instead of copying the people complaining.

will the game be update from the Christmas update?


will the android gonna be free in the future?




It's never gonna be free on android because people keep saying 'when will it be on android' and 'cuz of that they know they'll probably make decent money if they made the android version paid


The game does not support Windows 32-bit systems😭


why u still on 32bit?

You should get that fixed XD


when will the update be relished to public?






APK wont install on pixel 7, it says it is not compatible.

64 bit android apps are a little tricky right now, but we have found a work around. I'll be sure to get that more available soon!  

(1 edit) (+7)(-7)

Nah they did android dirty💀💀💀💀




Cuz you need to pay for android


But you also get early access to updates


Android version offer and early update should be separate offer. Some people just want to play on android but don't really mind about the early update.


why complain about a early update? im on copmputer with no access to early updates. I wish i could have this.

why don't make android free 


i need oral in this game please :<

Deleted 1 year ago

Why not?


Cuz that's gay


How about femboy


n o

Deleted post

Discord mod


This game has the best comment section


fr poor hotpink who has to read all this 


Idk if this is already asked, but will there be any Teachers in the future updates?

Deleted 2 years ago

people like milfs, shock horror


vcs poderiam adicionar uma animaçao que o tentaculo come a guria de 4 tipo cu e buceta ok e deixa na versao de pc android e na versao do subscriber star ok ficarei agradecido se vcs fizerem isso


Welp, how i can buy game if i cant pay for it?


You can get the free version for free :) 


Is there no free version for android?


No way jose

i downloaded the update but it only came as a PC. how do i install it

Deleted 1 year ago

This a joke right? :)


I sure hope so.


yea just some one meming around i swear the comments on this game are wild at time 


yes it is lmfao


you fooled at least 7 people applause my man

Tf did I just read??


Can you make the android version free plz.?




why not?




such wise words eneru


Just pay for the game lol?


can you give me your phone for free?

(the same answer)

wheres the gym?

scroll to the right until you see an entrance. (might be left i forgot)

all it says is more areas to come


Uhm where is the gym at?


In the 5 dollar mobile version, for starters. Since I haven't spent the muns to try it out I can't tell you much more than that though.


broski where the gym at


"The releases will stay free"
-sees mobile version costing $5-
Sure, why not, makes sense.


Just gota wait for the free releases :P 


what day does gym release for free? and would you be able to add small and big boobs as an option?


HotPink said to me, 

"don't have an exact date yet, but next update we do. Usually in about a month "


They might be adding teachers so they probably will add big booba for them


Forget it, he probably has the game complete and releases it slowly just to get more cash... you can see he just released another game instead of progressing this one.

If you check the development log, its been 68 days since last free release. And it was like 3 months from the bathroom release to christmas, when he just added a few accessories...

For sure its better to help other devs on itch rather than this one


so its wrong for them to want to get payed for there hard work? i dont think u realize how hard it is to even make a game, u cant just whip out a multi hour long game with loads of content in 6 months and if they did u can bet ur bottom sand dollar theyll want to be payed for it, if u dont like the way they do it then just dont support them easy as that, funny how yall act like 5$ is alot also thanks for telling me that they posted a new game now ill go support them for there hard workヾ(≧▽≦*)o


To be frank, while this person is just spiteful I find I an ungly mindset to blindly support devs like that as it's the same kinds of excuses that give legitimately scummy behavior a pass.

Granted I also don't feel like supporting the devs over the mobile version, but it's more on the principle that they are payealling a single version of the game when other devs don't or very least add other payed version rather than treating that one like it's special.


the mobile one cost money cuz the devs dont want kiddos downloading and playing it on they phones also im not blindly supporting them i like the content the produce and think its worth supporting but thats my opinon also another thing i dont get if u dont wanna wait just buy it they said wait like a month at most for the next update like think of it like this (the new update is in a testing phase before its realesed free) that bad? 

(4 edits)



I wish! But no, it's different teams working on different games. And none of us can do this full time yet so part of why releases aren't exactly on a set schedule.  

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