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I dont know if this question has already been asked, but what do the little love letters do if you collect them all?

hello everyone hope you’re having a good time, will this game ever be accessible to iPhone users ?

nope sorry

This is Bs


(1 edit)

hey, I bought this on my iPhone and it’s telling me to download it on my files, but it keeps duplicating it. What do I do I don’t think it even works.


doens't work on iphones :P


why dose android version cost money?


To deter minors. Parents would rather sue developers instead of taking accountability. Android devices are significantly more accessible and aren't shared devices like home computers typically are.

(1 edit) (+2)

Only 2 months, and the game will hit a one year anniversary of having no content update


Oh no... 😓


Will anal become an option in the future?

Is there another way to pay for it


You can go to subscriberstar and pay for it. Or you can go to dlsite (it’s not the best option due to how hard the payment is)


Yo I'm back, I have an idea how about putting a costumize setting where u can costumize them with or without clothes, also I have an idea for the new area, and the area is the rooftop and the hiding spot for the tentacle is a trash bin or something

Hi, I downloaded the game and unzipped the file, but I couldn't install it. Why is that?

What platform you on? Did you download the right version?


Im on iPad

doesn't work on iPad's lol

How to use the stealth uibe? Or is it just a decoration


Hi, I bought the android 64 version, but if I try to go to the buying machine or further the game locks and I have to close and open again, so I can't progress


Is the X button not working? 

Is not that I can't get out of the vendor, but I can't even enter it, cause if I use the arrors to move to much to the left or right, the game locks

I literally can only move thru the 5 lockers and that's how much I can without the game crashing


What kinda phone you on?


I love the game so much but like, when is it updating 😭😭😭

I've been waiting for almost a year 


me too, bro...




you can't

Still more consistent than a game called gd


Ts so buns 💔




he's saying this game is ass

Ok? It’s a porn game not a little kids game

Quick questions about game. Idk if its bugged but i can't complete achievement about catching same kill 10 times in a row, i was even counting while catching EXACT same girl and i still didn't get achevement. Aslo i hope that we will get more positions in the future and that there will be things in shop that apply to other areas, not only main hallway :3


This should be fixed in the most recent build for supporters (Android here) But yeah right now it's bugged where if you move areas, if messes up the count, so if you open up the game and do in the hallway it should be good :) 

I notice that when the girl with cat tail running away her tail get cut in half, I don't know that if you guys forgot to draw it or it's just a bug because her arm covered that part of the tail when she's in normal emotion


Yeah, pretty much forgot to be drawn lol maybe will fix some day but maybe not for fun :P 


I love the game but can you please add different positions in every room, because it's kinda boring when you only see the same position in every room, I wanna see other positions like double penetration in the gym, double penetration in the locker, and etc. I hope the creator see this


Yeah maybe will get to that some day, but currently working on adding new areas first :)


I love this game sooo much🩷


Thanks for the kind words!


I love coming back here every few weeks to read some funny ass comments. 

Keep up the good work Hotpink :)


lol thanks. we will try our best! 

I wonder when the next update could possibly drop


Soon ™️


Unable to support the author because of regional reasons.QAQ


sorrryyyyy :/


(1 edit) (+3)

This is just a small request, Can we customize the glasses shape from square to circle

When the a was updated

Is the Trophy Waifu Achievement even possible to get? Ive played the game for 1.5 hours but still didnt find any girl that seems to be special

(1 edit)

Buy the gold bar in the vendor

Already did it, and during that 1.5 hours, its the only thing that turned on


I finally got it and this is my 3rd try, and found her in 4 minutes


It's just really rare for her to spawn (she also only spawns in the hallway if that helps)


How do I get the waterballoon fight achievement?


Purchase cumflation from the vending machine in the hallway, then grab a girl who's already been grabbed at least once.


Plz Add a small tits setting


they too big for you now??




Too big?! thats literally the size of balls, its too dang small


my guy they are already small enough




great game, hope to see more updates soon!




If you had bought the android version before you can still get it again. should be in your itch library? 

Could make other versions paid though too if this causing an issue for folks 


No i mean i Had the Android Version before IT was for Money when IT was free


Android was never free though...


It was, about a year ago I got the game it was free, but ran out of space so I got rid of it, now trying to get it we have to pay


it was not free for android... 


There should be a femboy version/mode.


8 downvotes.....they hated him because he spoke the truth


Will android ever not have a paywall?


No. It's a precaution for parents that don't monitor their kids.


Okay then it makes sense


 After two years I was finally able to contribute money to the project ✨


Yay! Thanks for the support :) 

I have dome feedback, When I'm in the pool room the game slows down quite a bit, is this a bug? I play on android + 8gb ram

Not really a bug, maybe a performance thing. If you close your other apps on your phone, does that help free up some RAM? 

I play without any apps open in background so... It only happens in the room pool, in the hallway and the bathrooms the game runs perfectly 

Hmmm yeah, not quite sure then. Hard to track down when I don't have the phone myself :P 


im on mac and I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO i figured out you move left and right with arrow keys but tell me why i cant catch any girls or press anything what button is it? if its not a button then can someone tell me what to do


just the space bar? like the big button in the bottom middle of your keyboard


yh i figured it out shortly after i replied this comment im not used to pressing space bar in games srry to bother you (btw i appreciate the fact tat you reply to issues this quickly)

what you used to pressing? always curious what people do :) 

(1 edit)

i ussually press e or enter (or in this case since you move with a and d i thouth that w might be it lol)


thanks! good to know :) we could always add extra buttons options down the line 

Where is the pool in the android version


To the left or the right if you keep going 

Hey can anyone tell me why my progress doesn't save after I quit the game. For example I got all the girls and all the cosmetics quit the game then opened it up and everything was erased. I use the PC version.

hmmm no clue. what version of windows you on? Any chance the save file gets locked somehow? 

(1 edit)

the version is 24H2 and no file is locked


I have feedback, it would be cool if when you change the animation speed with a girl, the animation cycle finishes before starting the next one. Bc rn it change abruptly, doesn’t seems natural and you get a chopping effect. 

We've experimented with that, but kinda like the quicker change. It's less immersive, but snappier and gets the idea across.


next update just soon guys!! hold on!!!


Like months? Not expecting anything lol


pool holes still lagging on my end, i wonder what causes it

What kind of device do you use? Like, if it’s too old, it wouldn’t run.

samsung A23, it's not hardcore lag, just fps dropping to 20s or less. everything else is 100% normal


Could be the RAM. Maybe closing other apps you have running might help but not sure either.


Can't download in android?


why not?

as it turns out you have to press the paid download button, under the "you own this game" imstead of the one above the files. i don't know why it was designed this way

(also for everyone else confused)

yeah, it's not like as obvious as I would like. Reading hard :P 

not sure which part you're being sarcastic about, it confused me the first time because i assumed both download buttons would do the same thing

not being sarcastic, just agreeing with you :P

It's confusing, like my reply lol 

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