more than likely they got annoyed being asked multiple times over and over on the first version when they'd release to android that they may have done it out of spite, and frankly reasonably with how many times y'all pestered them. Like, the amount of the first games' comment section that is people asking when/if an android version is/will be released when they repeatedly stated it wouldn't. just sayin' - i wouldn't blame them personally.
yeah that's business 101. if you realize your entire market only wants one very logical and obvious thing you penalize them for it. that's how you build a strong community.
didn't say it was a smart idea - I am simply stating it's a normal human reaction to be that petty. Their a hobby dev, they don't really have to care beyond what they want to. And more importantly they don't have someone to tell them to not be such a douche.
god shut up, it costs money bc it took extra work to get it on Android and it gets updated faster like their subscribers do for the PC version. use your brain for a second and have a rational thought!! it's not a penalization that they're asking to be paid for extra work, jfc you're entitled
Love the idea of the tentacle toilet, but there is a small problem with the layer. The white liquid is dripping behind their hair, especially those with long hair.
Because Hotpink work (as well as the quality work of many creators around here) should be recognized. Or do you expect him to do everything for free, wasting hours and hours on the game making?
Great game, im from venezuela so i really can't afford support you through subscribestar, but i got some extra money so i decided to puchase the android version, keep making this and more games!
rude asf like they had a choice the world blames them for everything, even tho they are just doing what we did to Cuba. This is why we need History Classes back.
I had fun. Now, the last locker on right is unselectable and the options and quit tabs do nothing for me. Currently using samsung note 20 ultra with newest android update.
Well, 5$is not a big money,but un Ukrainian that's not bad money,i mean, I can buy Terraria for this money, but i buy Android version of this game :D, because this game not bad (and i just bored :T (Well, I can't do this because of war I can't buy $USD) 👀😐
My question is though. Why only android is payable while the rest is free. I am pretty sure that it would be a lot easier of all versions would be payable but at a lower price of $4-3 so android users aren't felt cheated
To be frank while I can see some of the reasoning the attitude given by the devs over the android version is making me not want to bother.
Sure some people are asses over it but the devs and their defenders are no better and just make it look worse on the game. Especially with how unprofessional the devs are going about it.
Well we can't be professional if we don't get paid :P haha But also don't think we have much of an attitude behind it? Don't want people being asses over it, and just wanna make sure only the right kind of people get their hands on it. But don't be bothered either way!
← Return to game
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What is gold and no 2nd floor yet?
I normally don't comment on porn stuff but, wew, saw this thing on YouTube
lol nice
How can I run it on Linux? I installed the file
Btw I have Linux on my Chromebook
I think Chromebook is weird, so IDK. Maybe look it up how to run any linux game on Chromebook.
I don’t know why people are complaining about how you have to pay for Android/mobile is cause that’s how they make money
I mean yeah you can donate money with the free version but we all know us degenerates are not doing that. And that’s why you have to pay for mobile
Kinda sad to see that android needs 5 bucks to download
But still good game
Why sad? :(
already subscribed, hoping for more version!
love from China.
why are all the versions except android free?
more than likely they got annoyed being asked multiple times over and over on the first version when they'd release to android that they may have done it out of spite, and frankly reasonably with how many times y'all pestered them. Like, the amount of the first games' comment section that is people asking when/if an android version is/will be released when they repeatedly stated it wouldn't. just sayin' - i wouldn't blame them personally.
aye man, can't blame me...I just got here lol
yeah that's business 101. if you realize your entire market only wants one very logical and obvious thing you penalize them for it. that's how you build a strong community.
didn't say it was a smart idea - I am simply stating it's a normal human reaction to be that petty. Their a hobby dev, they don't really have to care beyond what they want to. And more importantly they don't have someone to tell them to not be such a douche.
god shut up, it costs money bc it took extra work to get it on Android and it gets updated faster like their subscribers do for the PC version. use your brain for a second and have a rational thought!! it's not a penalization that they're asking to be paid for extra work, jfc you're entitled
i cant seem to open the shop
Not in the free version yet.
will there be a free version on android?
i need free tantlcelocker for android
pls make it
Nope, will be included.
Здравствуйте, у меня вопрос, а как насчет людей из России? Они не могут купить игру на Android
есть больше способов чем ты думаешь, бро)
Bought ur game very cute art hope more update come out soon
Thanks! More updates on the way!!
5 bucks well spent
I love this game and I appreciate the dedication you put into it instead of leaving it for dead like most creators do.
Thanks for the kind words and hope we can do lots more with it!
Also sorry about all people who keep giving you crap about the android version and people who are impatient.
It's ok, part of the process.
Wonderful Game. Sad the golden girl didnt make the cut tho. Speaking of gold, what do you do with the coins you get?
Nothing for now, but in a future update, they might be used for the exercises.
u can buy a costumes in vending machine
how do you get to the bathroom?
You click the bathrooms.
Well, Hot Pink has never made an android game before. This is the first game to have a android version.
be grateful Hot Pink even let phone users get a chance to play.
A 9/10 would be a 10/10 if there were more content. Keep up the good work! Bought it for $5
Thanks! More content is being worked on!!
I installed it through Mac. but It wont let me play
I bought it but im not gonna play it yet im going to wait a bit just wanted to show my support because it looks very promising 👍👍
I cant wait for the update
any idea on when the next update will release?
Its goanna be a bit after all. Hot Pink has a life to and probly is very busy with making the accessories.
Love the idea of the tentacle toilet, but there is a small problem with the layer. The white liquid is dripping behind their hair, especially those with long hair.
Should be fixed in the next update!
Thanks, love your work. (ゝ∀・)b
Make adroid free bruh
Why not? Why is it the only version that costs something?
Because Hotpink work (as well as the quality work of many creators around here) should be recognized. Or do you expect him to do everything for free, wasting hours and hours on the game making?
Or have everyone be paying for the product? Because having one type is just being biased
No but why make one Plattform cost something and the others for free?
That just seems like bias.
You bitches should be grateful phone users get a chance to play.
be grateful android even gets a chance bro.
I buy android version of this game :D
Great game, im from venezuela so i really can't afford support you through subscribestar, but i got some extra money so i decided to puchase the android version, keep making this and more games!
It's really sad that i can't buy it. Not because i'm broke, but because of a stupid gremlin in a Kremlin.
Yeaaaa... I wish you the best of luck with that!
Not being able to buy the pocket version then complaining about makes you sound like a broke bitch.... dont do that, get a job (good game tho)
Good luck with that if you live in Russia. We basically cancelled so much that we even can't by games >:(
good thing I dont care or what's happening over there might have an effect on me🙃
rude asf like they had a choice the world blames them for everything, even tho they are just doing what we did to Cuba. This is why we need History Classes back.
that's a lot of words.... too bad im not gonna read'em
Nice n cute game really enjoy it xx
Can't wait for the next Updateeeeee!!!!! GGHaaaaaa! THE POWER OF OTAKU HAS NO LIMITTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!
So does the power of tentacles
I had fun. Now, the last locker on right is unselectable and the options and quit tabs do nothing for me. Currently using samsung note 20 ultra with newest android update.
I downloaded the file and for some reason can't open the game. Any help?
Did you try extracting it and opening the .exe in the game files?
And also my sound aint working….
I'm not complaining nor am I saying it should be free, but how come they're all free but the Android?
did u not read the older comments before posting?
its because its harder for the devs to d
can you not respond with just an answer instead of hostility? After all I just asked a question.
just tiring to see the same question asked a billion times
Then move on. I can ask any questions I wish to.
i mean you can, but literally scrolling down a little could've given you your answer
Well, 5$is not a big money,but un Ukrainian that's not bad money,i mean, I can buy Terraria for this money, but i buy Android version of this game :D, because this game not bad (and i just bored :T (Well, I can't do this because of war I can't buy $USD) 👀😐
Paid $5 because yes. Ignore the comments and get what you deserve. Keep up the great work!
Thanks for the support!
are you guys gonna put the game in steam cuz i cant buy it on io at some point so im waiting for it there its much easier to buy on steam
Won't be able to put on steam, sorry. :(
My question is though. Why only android is payable while the rest is free. I am pretty sure that it would be a lot easier of all versions would be payable but at a lower price of $4-3 so android users aren't felt cheated
To be frank while I can see some of the reasoning the attitude given by the devs over the android version is making me not want to bother.
Sure some people are asses over it but the devs and their defenders are no better and just make it look worse on the game. Especially with how unprofessional the devs are going about it.
Well we can't be professional if we don't get paid :P haha
But also don't think we have much of an attitude behind it? Don't want people being asses over it, and just wanna make sure only the right kind of people get their hands on it. But don't be bothered either way!
Want to retort but this is response is abit hard to understand........
Also I mean unprofessional in attitude not in how you work. I don't expect AAA levels of quality from a game on a site like this.