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next update just soon guys!! hold on!!!


Like months? Not expecting anything lol


pool holes still lagging on my end, i wonder what causes it

What kind of device do you use? Like, if it’s too old, it wouldn’t run.

samsung A23, it's not hardcore lag, just fps dropping to 20s or less. everything else is 100% normal


Could be the RAM. Maybe closing other apps you have running might help but not sure either.


Can't download in android?


why not?

as it turns out you have to press the paid download button, under the "you own this game" imstead of the one above the files. i don't know why it was designed this way

(also for everyone else confused)

yeah, it's not like as obvious as I would like. Reading hard :P 

not sure which part you're being sarcastic about, it confused me the first time because i assumed both download buttons would do the same thing

not being sarcastic, just agreeing with you :P

It's confusing, like my reply lol 

i cant find one girl that im missing and its confusing me

might be golden girl, which only exists in hallway rarely

Have to buy the gold upgrade in the vending machine. Should be obvious but it wasn't to me. lol

I wonder if anyone can tell me what's the theme of the next update is? (It is fine if u dont want to)


Was planning an outside area :)

Will see if we can stick to that or not. 

What does the stealth vibe do?

It's just cosmetic unfortunately.

HEYY! I tried to play the game on my pc, I downloaded it but I couldn’t open nor play it. Could you tell me how??


Settings > Apps > Advanced App Settings > Choose Where to get apps > Anywhere.

After that attempt to install again


You didn't even bother to post a few pictures of new content to appease our restless hearts :(

.. because there’s only one scene. How are supposed to post a picture without entirely spoiling it?


alguem tem o link do servidor deles do discord nao consegui achar no subscribestar

Should be on the substar once you become a paid supporter 

Does this game work on mobile I really want to play it but don’t have a computer 

android yeah

Yeah but pay


Cute artstyle!

(1 edit) (+12)(-2)

So many shitass comments. Take your time developing a proper game, Hotpink. Some of us don't interact in the comment section, but we're here, my favorite games of yours are this one and the Intoxicant one.

People who actually like your work are the majority. These are just rude people with nothing better to do.

Thank you for keeping such nice games for free as an option. Most of us don't buy from because they only accept dollars and the conversion becomes expensive.


Thanks :) I know all of this in my mind, but always nice to hear from time to time. 


do not let them get you down. :)

i like your games, you do you.


rude people ???? u kidding ??? you were the one calling me a jackass because i simply sounded my opinion that im dissapointed in the dev of this game that didnt update for over half a year and you felt the need to get rude yourself. stop crawling up hotpinks a** and learn some manners yourself


And i'll do it again.


very grown up haha very well wont argue with you further hope you grow up some day

(2 edits) (+1)

They may grow up because I will cover for them. 



Okay Jackass, bye.

(1 edit) (+2)

I finished collecting all the letters. new i feels good. Thanks for the bug fix.


who asked for this shit......i just want to play sugary spire ):




i think they wanted to play a diff game but this got recommended and they clicked it lol


no update since may 2o24...glad i did not spend money on this if its getting dropped like thi


Well it's free soo...


It's a free game, jackass.


It is smartass so is that an excuse to Not further Update for half a year? Cocky Internet personality right there bro


If we have no money, we do not update


first thing you said was that there are other games in the making right now if i remember correctly why not stay with one game and develope it further ? everyone likes this game


gota have the art team available to make it. I can do most everything else, but they gota be around to make the visuals. Might bring in new art people though if the others wanna move on. 

Now that we can collect all of the love letters after this latest patch, I was wondering if they serve a purpose right now or are we waiting until the feature gets implemented? Just curious.

Nothing yet, will be up to annue as was his idea. 


The fact the only version u need to pay for is android one is annoying cuz i have my tags on android and free ironic ngl lol


Its a very good looking game too bad im a broke btch


well sorry :P it is both free and on android, just not at the same time I guess


Its alright from what i got told its not really your fault

Blame negligent parents that would rather sue a developer instead of taking responsibility for failing their teenage children. 


from what u told me I'm guessing some parent sued the dev for their unsupervised kid downloading a 18+ game. Fkn hell bruh bc of that annoying parent android player lose access to this great game

Not this game in particular but that is the gist of the things in the end unfortunately.


Lmao the fact that there's a Quick escape button is crazy atleast bro is looking out for us-


come on give me a date for when the update is going to drop hot pink I need to know


Nah not gonna happen anytime soon. undefined date maybe you should focus on the real life or sth


Hmmm best worse case I'd say like March or April :P 

Might be some shifting in personnel but we shall see what we can do


it would be nice if there was a futa option available for purchase


If you want futa to be added, how exactly do you want it to be used? I mean, the futa girl get catched in the locker (just replace it with male character) or the futa girl do it with the other girls? If it’s the 2nd option, it seems a bit odd because the meaning of the game is to catch girls and not let them do anything :p


simply have the tentacle play around with their penis, either in stroking it or in other depictions the tentacle can suck on it 


Hmm you have a fascinating taste, I guess :p


hmmm so when is next update sir?


Best is march or april… so wait

(1 edit) (+1)(-2)

so when is the update dropping I really want to know 


… not gonna happen anytime soon


then why the fuck are we waiting for them because if they said it was going to down on new year like wtf


happen in the new year doesnt mean immediately when it hits 2


Don't be a little brat and just wait

Anyone know how to get either of these achivements? I have the gold bar and im pretty sure I've skipped (Too my knowledge) that I've skipped over 50+ animations

You just gotta wait for a while in the locker section for the golden girl just patients ig, but I think you gotta come in the girl then skip while coming, not sure did it ages ago but still give it a try.


when is the update coming :(


New Year :3


yay! we made it :)


Come on

come where?


where to play in broswer


Just download the game smh

Bro prob doesnt wanna stain his downloads history-



this is pure deviantart :sob


huh, how?

i love the game, but all items purchased at the vending machine do not carry over to the pool, bathroom o r gym. could you please fix this or add some more options to those other places (like alternative bathing suits for the pool)? thanks for all your team does!


they should carry over to the bathroom


Deff a fun idea, but adds a lot of extra work to make those things for new areas. Will hope to get back to them at some point!


yea and not all of them would make total sense in all the areas, golden girls would be nice tho

I tried the latest android build on Samsung S22 ultra andrroid 14, its not working pls fix

What's not working and have you tried any of the fixes we've posted about? 

where do you find these fixes

Posted about in the dev log on here. Do fresh installs and restarts. Could take a few times


I paid five dollars on subscribestar thinking i could get the latest builds for $5 a month. it didn't work. I paid $5 here to finally just get the game. It crashes on load up. I find an update on the game page about a fix for 'certain' phones. It requires me to pay another $5 to get that version. I just wanted to play this game man😭😭


If you pay on here, should only have to pay the $5 once for the mobile version. The sub star also has the most recent builds. If itch showing a payment error, you'll need to take that up with them. But if you wanna tell me more about your phone and which version you trying to run happy to help here. 

Thank you for the fast reply, i thought i was SOL. I have an android galaxy s24, running on android 14. Do you mean the game version?

Yeah that's good info, but yes also that. I'm hoping the most recent android build then? 
And have you tried the redownloading and restarting fix yet? 

I just did and i couldnt get it to work :( when i click on the app, it opens to a black screen like its trying to start, but then it crashes back to home immediately

Might take a few tries of a fresh download and fresh restart I've heard for some reason. So keep it up and let us know! 


bro can some one tell me if this game is safe


As in malware? Completely safe. As in SFW? Lolno. It's a hentai game.


“Safe” in term of viruses and such? No, unless you download it from some other websites. “Safe” in term of “kid-friendly”? No, of course not



Dude! This is the best game I've ever played 🗿👌

Aww thanks. glad you enjoyed it 

Deleted 25 days ago

right here?

the game doesnt launch on android 14 :[ don't really want to make the refund yet but if there aint gonna be any updates, i will have to :3

Have you tried any of the fixes we've posted about? or what's it doing when you try and launch it? 


Yep, doesnt work, the android installer also warned about outdated api's. Moreover the game starts and crashes immidiatly

Did the restarting trick? Might need to do a fresh install as well. We people got the warnings and start crashes, that has fixed it before so keep at it! 


If the game is 5$,how tf i paid 12$?😭


huh, idk?

Idk either bro


But I'm sure


about what?


I wasn't able to download that game on my phone, since I'm already an adult btw. How can I download it?


Have you tried restarting your Phone?


Nah I didn't restart my phone, I said that I wasn't able to download it for free.


Buy it. If you're an adult then there's no reason that aren't able to.

which phone?

Galaxy A21s. Though so, I didn't have money's to pay it to download it, cause I was not able to upgrade it to the new version

Ahhh yeah well need to pay for it :P 

Ahhh I see.

(1 edit) (+1)(-4)

Just played the game, It gets boring pretty fast tbh, not worth 5 dollars


dang man... you commented on here first like 250 days ago and it didn't live up to the wait?? What's your $5 been better spent on?


Never said I spent any money 


rip me then :( 

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