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Deleted 152 days ago

just keep capturing the same girl

Deleted 152 days ago

is that a new item in the subscriber only build or something

Deleted 152 days ago

Você e a primeira pessoa comenta aqui como se estivesse num site Porno, 

Não que isso não seja um jogo hentai mas sempre trataram como um jogo normal, 

A sla tu e estranho pra caralho


I was about to say "hey guys a discord server would be cool" and look like a dumbass :P
Might join the substar for the server


will there be girls that are horny, like the ones that wants to get violated more? 

Also curious about this.


I love coming back to this page and just reading the comments XD


The inability for people to read is astounding. Like it's genuinely impressive.


Yes. I can’t understand how people ask the same question while the answer is literally in front of their eyes


They just come here to complain about the game not being free, I doubt they will ever go away.


Free version is fine for me, for now that is


If you could spend the money on the full game its worth it. The free version is ok but the full game is very great. Cant wait for the new updates lol.


My pain is your pleasure (but there are some nice comments too lol) 

I purchased the game, but my file doesnt include the pool. maybe im downloading or something wrong? Im on mac if that means anything

The pool is only for supporter on their substar. It’ll be free next update

So if i paid the 5 dollars on itch i dont get the pool update? Damn-

L on my part. at least im supporting ig

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

On which version? Android has pool in it here. SubStar has the others

Edit: oh I see the first one says on Mac now lol. Yeah that's the free version on here. But I'll ask Annue if we can have the support version on here too. 

when is the pool update expected to be released to play for free?

Hotpink said this month (the goal). I guess it’ll be released at the end this month

Waiting on (and pushing) Annue still :P up to them in the end. I'll see if we can give an update on that asap. 

are they still sick or something


nah not sick right now, just trying to balance a few different things I think. Will try and get some public communication out for everyone when we can. 

how to get more coin?


Catch more girl

Bought the $5 mobile version over a year ago, and have been enjoying it, but for some reason I'm unable to fully install the new updates. Any ideas? On Pixel 6. Thank you!


Might have to delate the old files first, and/or fully restart once the new files are downloaded. (Or sometimes also restart after you delate the old files)


That worked! Thank you so much!


Purchased this a day or so ago, when I download the 64 but version the game crashes when I go to launch it.

Using google pixel 7 pro


Restart your phone once you have the most recent version. Seems to fix it for most people

Yo its currently not working on 64 bit and im using a samsung galaxy s24+. Is there any solutions to this?

Restart your phone once you have the most recent version. Seems to fix it for most people

how to get early access to pool mod


Next update or buy it for 5$

The pool is not a mod

If I pay $5 to buy it now, will I have to pay another $5 for the next update? (I am using a translator so it may be inaccurate)


You will not have to buy again

when is the pool update for public DL ?


Next year. Please be paitant with the devs🙏


lol won't be that long I hope 

Don’t trust that guy


非常喜欢你们的游戏,价格有点高 没办法用人民币购买 希望你们上架中国市场

I like your games very much. The price is a little high. I can't buy it in RMB. I hope you can put it on the Chinese market.



$5 is not high for this game. Stop it.


Other currencies exist 😔

(1 edit) (+1)

Can't believe it's been 320 days since my last bug report but I'm here with more. This time I give possible solutions to some of these issues.

These are on the 5$ mobile version but it's probably the same on PC (except for bug 2 maybe)

(ignore the weird cropping, I rendered it in 16:9 accidentally)


lol thanks. Most of these are known and on our list to fix 💪

I'm glad to hear that!

(1 edit) (+1)

The "Trophy Waifu" and "Get Over Here" achievements seem to be bugged, and can't be unlocked.

Edit: It seems that i just had to close and reopen the game for Trophy Waifu to activate. This also happened with Shopping Spree, before. Get Over Here still hasn't unlocked, so I'm either misunderstanding the goal of it or it's actually bugged.

try capturing one single girl in a bunch of different lockers, that seemed to work for me. Just catch, let her walk a few steps, catch in the next one, and so on


that still didn't work for me. i captured the same girl in literally every locker in the hallway and still didn't get it.

First of all, mad dedication bro. I would not have that kind of perseverance for a single achievement.
Anyways, I managed to get all the achievements recently and had this problem with a few of them. Restarting the game and keeping track of my catches worked eventually for "Get Over Here", but if all else fails you could try making a backup of your current save, deleting the game, and then redownloading with your loaded backup (the save is in AppData > LocalLow > HotPink and Annue > Tentacle Locker 2. Grab the TL2 folder and save it somewhere that isn't in AppData, then put it back after you redownload).

(1 edit)

It was kind of a combination of OCD and wanting to make sure it wasn't me. I ended up getting it on the mobile version which satisfied the OCD. Thanks for the advice though, I'll try that when I get around to trying again on CPU. 

(2 edits)

I can't seem to exit the vending machine menu on mobile, specifically after leaving the pool 

Looking into, will get fixed

when will the pool be free?

i hav no money 

When the next update is out, like at the end of this month or somewhen after that. Not too long

On the android version when i go try to go to the gym area the game ceashes every time and i have no idea why. Like your game and hope your having a great day 

Could be a RAM thing, what kinda phone do you have? 


its already april guys!!!! next update is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Are the girls above 18 years old?




They must, or this game won’t be on itch or anywhere. The only place they can sell is dlsite, I suppose


When will the next update be?


This month. That’s the goal

update is noice, I imagine next update will be the second floor or something?


What’s true?





why is the android version paid??? mmmmmm?


Why do people ask this every now and then. Scroll down and you’ll see my answer

I couldn't write this after seeing all these comments)) sorry) 





why do we need to pay for android version?


why do people keep asking this every 5 comments? 


At this point, you should slap a giant text about the reason for that lol


Chase its a big issue


What's the issue? 


the 5 dollas


If that's an issue well... you've got other issues I imagine 


Literally 5 dollars. That’s like your lunch or sth


short video of the game
(2 edits) (+1)

The video will get so much views lol. By the way, change the thumbnail. That’s not tentacle locker. That’s lovecraft locker


Can we please get free access to pool room for free


Yup you will next update. 

On android or something?



isn’t the pool update is here already ?

Only for those who follow them on substar

oh so it’s not free yet , okay





Thanks! My translation said "heavy" on start up does that mean "slow"? Maybe depends what phone you have. Not sure what could be done about it. 

When we can get free acces to pool area? When next update? BTW you are cool


Thanks, and no date on next update but goal is this month. Gota kick Annue into action more ;) 


Is there a reason as to why the android version is the only paid version and no free vers.?


First, android is harder to make. Second, if the android version goes free, minors would be able to play it as plenty of minors have android. If you search up, android is the most used operating system.

(1 edit) (-1)

Why not make all of the vers. paid?


I'd do it if yall didn't get so mad lol but sadly not everyone wants to spend money on this kinda game :P


That's why people keep asking for free android vers.

вопрос я год назад покупал игру, если щяс буду качять то мне потновой покупать для нового обновления?

As long as on the same account, you shouldn't have to buy again.




Yes, next update it will become public.

Paid for Android, but game crashes immediately. Get error "Tentacle Locker 2 is not responding". Never loads anything past a black screen. Using a Google pixel 7.

Are you using the 32 or 64 bit version? Also after you download the right version, restart your phone and that can fix things. 

Some of the achievement don't unlock correctly like the 10 in a row one.

And some achievements only update when you relaunch. 

Hope this gets fixed soon.







Eles deviam divulgar o horário especifico logo, o Hype seria maior

Sí, tienes razón

wtf guys wtf is this for real

What is real. This game is real

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