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i'll just right it here to know what was the last update that i played


i was kinda excited. but... this game only has one scene lol. so. not too exciting.


why is the game not showing the pussy?


first tentacle locker game is better


frrr this one looks like a kindergardener made it


If a kindergardener made this i would be very concerned

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I've been having an issue with the windows (PC) version.
I can enter the game just fine but it seems to be spamming the SPACE key without pressing it; causing non-stop locker openings and a very very buggy menu.

Any idea how to fix?

Edit: If I hold the SPACE key, it wont spam it. Letting go makes it continue to spam

Is there something wrong with your space bar? Does this happen anywhere else? Do you have any other input devices connected? Like a controller or something

How do I play the bathroom update?


u need to pay 

Deleted 2 years ago

there are stairs,will there be many updates in the future?



Brother, if for nothing else, just wanted to ask if you Chinese?(This game artwork is good!!!)



cool game! would you consider adding male characters as well?


proble not since this game is basicly shufing tenticals up girls where a baby comes from.


No way! a sequel! Awesome~


Any thoughts on Android version


lots of thoughts 

whats the plan?


I love all your games! Good Luck with Developing this one too ^w^

Thank you! We will do our best!!

(1 edit) (+1)

Will this game get an android port?


maybe, thinking about it

Do we only get supporter version by SubscribeStar?

Do we get it with patreon also?

$5+ on either gets you the build. SubscribeStar has some other TL2 related perks, Patreon has some other our games. Do whatever is best for you! 

how do 

you go into the bathrooms


Not in this version yet, only for supports. But will get released publicly in the future. 




noticed a bug where if you grab the girl with long red hair and move it to second speed, there will be a skin colored patch of hair(?) just over the eye thats covered by hair

tl;dr skin seen through hair fix pls

Yes we know this one! Will be fixed in next release! 



Is it only possible to update the bathroom for $5, $10, $25 tiers?

What do you mean by this? 

i think they are asking how much they need to pay for the extra content on subscribestar


Then just the $5 or higher tier gets you access!


is there a date you can garuntee for the next update to come out for the public?

No guaranteed timeline yet, but will be sure to announce it loudly! 


ngl they kinda need different lip shape and the animation is better on the first one cos this one looks like a bunch of scripted assets moving around whereas the first one has proper animation with less of just assets moving back n forth (or at least it looks that way). IMO also there should be ones that react differently from others to their predicament. HIRE me ;)

Is the full version of this game going to be free or paid when its finally done? Or do you not know yet?


Updates will come first to our supporters, but then those updates will come here for free later on. 


I hope we get Golden Girl back in a future update, maybe some other fun rarity girls for the sake of collection too.

I hope next time it's better or sexier than Tentacle Locker 1

(1 edit) (+4)(-1)

I don't want to be a jerk here, but isn't the gameplay exactly the same with just a slightly different animation inside the locker? There are no other features, scenes, animations, content at all except the bathroom scene. I mean, why not at least have the old locker animation as an option so there's at least two animations? Two girls grabbed in the same locker, more intense scene if you grab a girl a second time, different moods from girls, locker variation, tentacle variation, tentacle special moves etc etc...So many easy ideas. Original game is 4+ years old, why make a new game, and re-animate everything but it's the same thing?


Thanks for the comment, and a lot of those ideas will be included as we update things. We wanted to start fresh with a better base to allow those types of additions, upgrades, and customizations. So things are still early now I would say, but the way we've built it this time allows for lots of room for growth so expect that in the future! 


On the note of adding upgrades how would you have it set, like will it based on how many of one type, total grabbed, or will there be like a currency that can be dropped, though hving unlocks based on that you have grabbed are still nice you could also make it based on small taskes (Example: have 5 girls in locker/stalls at the save time)


They're gonna add extra content + locations to it in the future so it should comfortably surpass the original game, this is just the basic demo.


i felt the same thing going through it just now, but knowing that the devs decided to make a new game from the ground up just to help them get more leeway on adding improvements or new stuff in general i'd say more power to them and i'll eagerly await what will they come up with next


Yep, that's the idea. Even if only a little bit there right now, wanted to make sure people could play what we had already! 

when will the update be out




yeahhhh! I finally download this perfect game in my computer, I gotta say that hot pink's game is always great. I hope hot pink can make good games forever, thanks!


When will we get an Android version


Not sure yet! 

I wish the next version could dress that girl in a really sexy outfit



How can I enter the bathroom?  


patreon/subscribe/etc version, or wait til a later update. hopefully soon.

that toilet picture looks so cute i cant wait

(1 edit)

Any plans on making a 32 bit Windows version?


We prob could! Wasn't sure what the demand was for that, but pretty sure it would work on our side. 

Oh, nice! I somewhat have to stick to 32 bit systems so that would be great.


Will remember that for next update then 👍

I'm having trouble playing the game. When i run the .exe, it opens a blank white window. I can hear the game audio, but it's just blank white and clicking around doesn't seem to do anything.

no0000o my laptop is falling now 😢

when mobile version?



Will you add a mobile ver?

At some point 

(1 edit)

Hey, i just, wanna know, i got a problem, i cant delete the file cuz it says i need permission from "DESKTOP-TJDOILR\USER" to make changes in the file (Tentacle Locker 2) i just wanted to deleted cuz i need more space and stuff, but i cant and... can someone help me? or got anything to tell me?

You can probably change the permissions of the file in the Security tab of the Properties menu (navigate to the file in your File Explorer, right click, open Properties). This is for PC - I have no idea about Mac, but it should have similar capabilities.

thanks! it worked :)

Ok great!

Glad to hear it!


I've been curious and so have a few other people who have both played Tentacle Locker and Lovecraft  Locker: Tentacle Lust, people are talking about copyright claims and was wondering if you would put up copyright claims against Lovecraft Locker. At first i thought that wouldn't be the case but since you took down your comment on there page its been talked about again. while both games did have the same principle they both took it in their own directions weather that be with story and strategies or adding different areas to the map. Both games are good in their own unique way


I was shocked when I read that hotpink deleted their comment. Here I thought everything was alright.

Not only that Lovecraft locker is arguably a better game in imo (tentacle locker has superior visuals tho), they also have consistently supported the Android version from the start and has been actively improving it as well recently to support more Android devices.

Hotpink approved them at the start. What's different now? LL is now popular? It's now a better game?


Sorry to shock you! We do have some stuff to think over on our end, but want the best for everyone. Stay tuned for more official comments once we get to talk to everyone. 


Might seem a bit mean to say but I'm not buying either game until this mess is cleared.

The outcome of this might weigh quite heavily on the community, utter nonsense in my opinion. Both games should be fine.


I would not worry! We don't want a tentacle civil war here haha. Please take your time if this effects how you can support either 

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If something bad happens you'll only receive forgiveness and avoid a lawsuit if you release a free tentacle civil war dlc and mcnuggies for all

Consider this a legal threat, I want my nuggies.

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