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I love you hot pink! hAvE mY cHiLDrEn!11!!!!!1!

Deleted 245 days ago

Why do you think it's stupid? Please do not get mad over a video game, i beg you. 


Android free version when ?




oh , why ? (If i may ask )


He/she doesn't Answer the comments that asks why fyi


look at EVERY other message where people ask the SAME question with always the SAME answer and guess why he didn't answered your question


just think


Hotpink, Why not Let The Latest Versions Payed for all devices, and the Past version Free???? That's Much like MUCH more Fair


Why are android users the only ones who have to pay?

(3 edits) (+2)(-4)

Yeah it's unfair...

And don't Say that "it's only 5$" Like shut up man, don't act like Dollars are the only Currency on the Planet.


Life isn't fair, and don't tell others to shut up, it's rude. We can only use dollars here anyways. 

Deleted 1 year ago

Try Lovecraft Locker, It's Like this Game but free


Yeah go for it dude. 

Tried it, have to buy it too


Why do you think? 

you guys are dicks


AND pussies :3 

how do I use an item? I bought a vibe from the vending machine but can't use it.

It will happen automatically, but you can turn on/off from the vending machine if you don't/do want it to show up.

oh it started working when I bought another item too???? weird but it works now so

Really good

I like this game style

Do we have an exact date yet on when the new update will be out and will we be able to color the tentacles?


Not yet, sorry. 

Deleted post

The game is good, however I would suggest changing up each character's moans a bit because hearing the same moans repeatedly makes the game sound a bit stale.


hi hotpink how are you?


busy but good lol

When the new uptade is?


Of course I did an update video! 


Hey! Love to see it, nice video!!

Thank you!


I was wondering, we can see two girls seeing a video of what I assume is someone being trapped by the tentacles, wouldn´t it make sense if some girls wanted to be trapped willingly and actively looked for it? even some teachers would want it, right?


wheres the gym

Scroll all the way to the right then press space on the arrow that's pointing right it should take you to the gym


any plans to bring it to IOS in the future, or make android version free at some point down the line? (sorry if this was already asked!) will enjoy from pc until i get the money to support 😅

(1 edit) (-2)

Impossible to get on iOS, and will not make Android free ever.
Hope you can enjoy on PC! 


I paid 5 dollars for the android game and I was wondering if I will have to pay again when you guys release another new update? I have no problem paying for the game, it's good but I'm a student and currently I don't have a job so I don't always have extra money for these things.


Nope, you won't have to pay again. 


It's trying to get me to pay again.  It started when you added the new experimental version


Make sure you are on the same account? 


I am.


Maybe contact itch support then? 


Hotpink hates Android. Confirmed


Huh, why? we put a lot of work into making it work on Android


I should rephrase that

Hates Android Users

(1 edit) (+1)(-2)

Fr, that are really want money 


Are you asking them to start working for you for free?



Deleted 1 year ago

Can you make a update in each time the girls have sex, more and more cum they get


Supporter version has Cumflation so yeah ;) 


Is cumflation going to become free at one point or another? Or will it always be a supporter only addition?


It will be next update! 

When it's the new update

Was unable to install the Android version on my phone, running a Pixel 7

(1 edit) (+2)

Will upload a 64 bit version for ya soon :P 

Edit, try the new one now please! 


Awesome! Worked like a charm. Thank you!

Yay, great!

how do I unzip cause I got the android version

Android version is not compressed so not a zip. Make sure you download the Android version. 

hmmm so how do I install the game

Just download it? 

got it my internet was the problem somehow

wild. have fun!

Purchased android version. Using Google Pixel 7 Pro. Installation can not be done because app is not compatible with my phone. Am I doing something wrong? 

Looked into this, and the 7 pro is their first 64 bit phone, which currently needs extra steps to have a build for. Hopefully it will be easier soon but send us a DM and can get you it in the meantime. 

My apologies, couldn't find the way how to dm you. New to this website.

How do I send you a DM? 

On twitter maybe?

Sent you a message on twitter

Got it, thanks.


I hope x-ray gets added...

I got a question.

I want to know the path of the game save file.


For which version? 



Should be under like Software\HotPink and Annue\Tentacle Locker 2 or something like that

But I cannot find out the directory of "Software".

I forgot to tell you I am using Windows10.

If you don't mind, please post the full path, thankyou.


should be under your user directory? Or just search, and make sure it's not hidden. 


i really want tl2 but i have to pay said free!! but when i try to download it i have to pay for 5$,i dont wanna waste my money.

(1 edit) (+5)(-2)

It is free! You don't have to pay unless you want the most recent or mobile version. And we hope it's not a "waste" of money and you can enjoy it


Android people belike:

"why i cant download tl2.....ohh you need to donate fuck no im broke"

im Android but i dont said like that im just sad and crying🔥🔥🔥🔥



Deleted 1 year ago



Awesome Update!


I would like you to update the free gym for Android later because my computer is older than me and I can't play it there xdd


Good job and thank you to make a cool game.

And I got some idea.

1. Vending machine's item is working on corridor and washroom. Seems no effect on gym(for now), Is this a intentional plan, or is it just unfinished, or is there a plan to have different vending machines in different venues(also the effect)?

I hope the vending machine item effect can be applied in every different venues.

2. Try to add a little detail on vibrator, the vibrator looks like not in functioning. A little green led on vibrator already signify switched on.

Or maybe add new item in vending machine to select vibrator is on/off or no effect.

3. I know that many people have already mentioned that in future versions, it can be added that multiple people can be abducted at the same time.

I also looking forward too.

Just personal idea.


Just curious when the text major update is? No rush but i like the game and i cant wait for more content


Thanks! Maybe by the end of this month perhaps? 


Thanks, and that sounds good but no rush, the longer it takes the better the update will be


As a player who only have a Android devices, I can't really play the game. :(


Why not??


You have to pay $5 for some reason...


people really mass downvotijg these comments for no reason

there are several fake accounts of the creator

Amazin work


How to download it on ios?


Impossible. Sorry

(1 edit) (+4)(-1)

how do I get the teacher?

What teacher?

(1 edit)

I saw a teacher when I was trying to subscribe on sub-star. 


a couple fun suggestions id like to see added are 

Multi catch and have multiple girls in the same locker for a gangbang

multiple angles maybe one that looks alot like the forward facing angles in tentacle locker 1 would be a neat inclusion 

there could also be a clothes toggle so you can decide if you want the girls fully naked or just the way it is now while your in the locker

(just a personal thing but please more scenes like the bathroom one flat chests are hot)

Maybe the possibility to choose how much we want to see the girls wrapped up in tentacles and to gag them.


Currently it feels a bit underwhelming but I can defenitively see this being a 10/10 in the future!


good job just keep going on😋


Will do! 🫡


i can not get the link to dowload tentacle locker gym update can you give me the link :(((?

What? haha it's on this page


Where :(((?


Just click on the button that says "download now"

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