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(1 edit)   

I found a few bugs with this version (I'm using the Itch paid version on an alt), It's weird since the early mobile version never had the first bug until after the update


Thanks, these are known, but I didn't have video of the second one so it's on our list! It was from an older update, but haven't nailed down yet. 

I didn't see this until now, anyways I'm glad the second bug is gonna be fixed since it's way more common for me for some reason. I love your work and I'm excited for the new content :)


so your telling me that all the accessories dont work in the gym. bro wtf have yall been doing all this time


pretty sure its physics assets ฅ'ω'ฅ

as well as coding animating drawing editing voice acting designing level creation writing sound design optimizing and prob all sorts of stuff i dont know yet and all on top of having a job and a life but hey what do i know im just a silly goober ฅ'ω'ฅ

good job btw hotpink take a well earned break!

I will not take a break, and hopefully Annue won't either haha 


Who wears accessories to the gym? Ask Annue-san 



holy shit you did it


I have a problem to report: On mobile, whenever I try to enter the gym it crashes and closes me out of the game. I mean, I can still reopen and use it, but the gym won't work.

Thanks, will look into. Other areas run fine though? 

Yes, other areas work as intended. Sorry for the late response.

I can already tell it was likely fixed. Thank you

Nevermind then, I find that it is still not working. Everything else, however, works

whaa... what device are you running the game on?


why not make a demo version of the game if want to have a free game and a paid version of the game and just update the game all at once?

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

thats a tactic to stay funded, people don't usually question it, lol.
pretty normal.


That's what we already do? 


Pls make the pc version the payed version instead, Like we don't have money, That's the reason we only have android..

Well it's kinda reasonable since pc players 100% has phones, and Alot of android players don't have other devices so the android players are forced to pay if they wanna play it, kinda smart tbh... So yeah I'll just wait for a free version.


or risk my info in some mod sites, Any suggestions?


SubStar supporters get the most updated PC version :) 


don't have money, Plus 5$ is equal to 279.46 in my Country 


yes i got a site! ;p


Like i said, I have no money


its 5$ just go rake someones yard for it lol

(1 edit) (-2)

Thats 281.82Php In my Country 


you already have a free version... why are you begging for more? the dev gotta get a bread on their tables too.


No Pc, No free version

Deleted 1 year ago

I'm on pc and I have a phone but the model is like, as old as my mom and I can only use it for texting or calling


Crazy how They Downvote my comment Cuz i don't want to pay 281.82Php for this game

banger game big booba

It's is getting annoying seeing people complain. Bro guys just be patient and stop harrasing these devs. Like literally guys just fap to something else.


dawg you have no swag



Deleted post

83 days since an update, is this dead?


why would you think that? :( 



"83 days" is probably why, plus android version is locked behind a pay wall, but I understand you gotta make money. Making a post or updating the page might let people know it's not dead. Other than that it's a fun game. 


Plenty of updates have taken longer! So deff not dead, but been slow on the art side. Wish I could speed it up, but that's our team for ya ;P 

(1 edit) (-1)

Understandable can't rush art. And not really asking to. But the page could be updated to reflect that. Possibly a delay due to art message might be nice and courteous. Also gym update and android free release would go to restoring good will. As most articles of your game say it is dead. I mean no insult or anything just being informative. 


already said that and they didnt do shit, if you aint paying them they dont listen to you


When is the next update?


February. /j


But really. At least give an ESTIMATED time of how many weeks or months till it's done, that or an ESTIMATED date..

(1 edit) (+1)

how to get to the gym?


By waiting for a new updat


yo could you make this so it can be played in the browser? I can't get any of the downloads to open


when is the next update coming? no news here since march

Star citizen would be finished before the next maj i guess :D

But really. At least give an ESTIMATED time of how many weeks or months till it's done, that or an ESTIMATED date..


It protects minors, so that they can't get it right away and since that is the case, minors are somewhat protected.


No update for free lol



(1 edit) (+3)

This might sound crazy to you, but the devs have a life. They are human beings, not some mindless robots pumping out content endlessly, so please stop pressuring them further, your just going to make them not want to do it at all.


they had since last month to post the gym update like they said and its still not here, its already done they just wont put it out and this new update is probably already done and they just sitting on it 


Yeah Gym is already done and you can get it on Subscribestar but they only accept creditcards... who the hell uses those?


i will beat the new zelda game before this shit comes out


Hello, when will there be an update? Just curious because everything about this game is wonderfu


Nah why not make this free for android 


Why do you think? :) 

(3 edits) (-2)

just saying, with the amount of people begging for the android version to be free, the page should probably be updated to say it never will be and provide an explanation as to why

wont stop the beggars, but at least you and other people wont have to explain repeatedly


Nah, not only do they have to have SOME way of getting money, it also protects minors.


Cannot read this without hearing some french-mustached twirling guy voice.


Nah, not only do they have to have SOME way of getting money, it also protects minors.


another banger game from hotpink


you making download pay android >:(


Yes >:)


how utterly malicious >:)


Nah, not only do they have to have SOME way of getting money, it also protects minors.


How bout non minors with android????


cant even subscribe on subscribestar cuzz they only allow creditcards... only americans use those


Are there plans to support 64 bit? as the pixel 7 cannot install this game


is there ever going to be a IOS version? Btw i hope your doing well.


No, that's impossible. sorry 


okay thanks


I want to buy subscriber membership but i have only toss so i can't buy it


I just downloaded the PC version and nothing happens when I press the space bar. Every other control works except space. Is there any fix or am I missing something? And I have re downloaded it 2 times already with the same result.


Have not seen this before. Are you using a standard keyboard or what type? 


This bug sometimes happens to me too.


Dead Game: Month 3. XD




when will the update release:(

(2 edits) (+2)(-3)

aight, i'm just going to say it, this page has not had a major update for about 5 months now, and even though im not a member of it, from what i can tell the subscribestar page is similarly quiet.

this silence is worrying, to say the least.

apologies for the impatience, but i needed to get this off my mind.

if the update releases within the next week, please disregard this entirely.


It's only been like 2 months lol but yeah I feel yeah. Can't rush good art right? But idk what "silence" there is?? Guess we could put out like a dev log or something, but then all it would be like, "sorry the art is slow" so idk if that really informs much. I'd love to get things out in a more set schedule, but can't promise that with how the team is set up. Feel free to point to this comment until next update comes out. Just don't want to show too much until it's ready to update ;) 


nothing stopping you from uploading the gym update early while the art for next update gets made

(1 edit) (+2)

i've made this point before, but it seems they insist on the current plan.

HotPink... It's been over 6 months.. What calendar are you using if any?


This might sound crazy to you, but the devs have a life. They are human beings, not some mindless robots pumping out content endlessly, so please stop pressuring them further, your just going to make them not want to do it at all.


10/10 would "come" back again


heh, nice ;) 


Guys please i need the gym im fatter than ever


Love the game!

 Send love to the team and keep up the awesome work!


Thanks! Will do!!


Make a free version


There is??


prob he meant android one


dsfsdfsfsdfdssdasfasfsdasfsdfsdfsddssdfaafasdfsds 9o i jhdytre yhjifyreeeee



i feel you on every level man




(1 edit)

is there a demo version?

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