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So just pay through the donations when I click download or is there a link I am supposed to click

Yep, as long as $5 or more, you will get access to android version 

Ok thank you


Може и для других стран 5 баксов копейки, но вот для моей страны 5 баксов это 185 грн (Украинских)

Это дорого

Don't think I can set different prices for different regions, sorry. 


I got the game on android, its the least i can do to support the devs. Btw, do u have discord? I cant find it anywhere to join ur discord server if u happen to have it

We do, it's here: 


Thank you very much


Why is the android versions in particular 5 dollars? I get why you'd monetize the game, but why the android version and ONLY the android version? Is it the portability or what?


Took extra work to make that version, and any adult with a smart android phone should have the $5

Ah, understood. I myself don't know the intricacies of game design/coding, so I couldn't really make heads or tails of why android in specific would be harder to make. Thanks for the clarification!


Sure thing! Hope you can enjoy it!!


If i buy the android version will future updates to it be free or do i have to buy it over and over


You will not have to re-buy it

Ahh i see thank you


Only Android users have to pay? Rude.  Hard pass.


Ok bye lol


Mind me asking why you chose to charge for the android version? I still bought it, just curious.


1. it helps support us

2. What adult with a smart android phone does not have $5? 


Everyone who doesn't have a credit card.


PayPal and debit cards work too


Paid for the android ver. hoping for more updates in the future!!


You will get them!


Hi, are you aware of a supposed tentacle locker 3D? It was released by RSH studio which happens to also have tentacle locker (your work) under it. I found this stuff on a google search, which redirected me to an APK.


No was not aware of it, and not our game. But we have joked about such an idea haha. 


I loved the previous game so much, when I saw it was available for Android. I immediately paid and was not disappointed. Looking forward to the next update.

Yay!! Glad you got to enjoy it

(1 edit)

Hi there i got the Android one (5 bucks) to support you guys one question i need to pay another 5 bucks for future updates on android?


I don't believe so, but don't quote me on that.


Yep, that's correct. Won't need to pay again. 

(1 edit) (+1)

Nice thanks to both for answering have a great day!

(Btw i like that Hotpink answers quick i love the attention they put and dont forget all the effort to bring this project i liked the project a lot so im looking foward for next updates)


any chance for the android version to be free? if not thats alright

Probably not, as hotpink said no themselves.

(1 edit) (+1)

Yeah I just saw their messages about never putting it for free for Android

what do you do with ingame money?


Dat's for future updates i guess

u can spend it in the vending machine try it

u can WOT M8?

and it doesnt work-

b r u h


nvm lemme got get the supporters version

Honestly kind of like the game, but on the Android version after you snag the girl, the right arrow in the middle doesn't work for me. Only the one that progresses the scene, so I only get 1 position every time I snag a girl. I imagine the non-functioning one changes the positions of the characters? 

Either way it's a lovely, simple game~ ;)

I think the non-functional one isnt a button but saying there is another scene.

Yeah I agree now lol 


Yea you gota press the button buttons. Would have been hard for me to use the on screen prompts as buttons consistently during the anims 


Because of my special area, I can't pay....

You can pay it by paypal,but only Android.At least i pay it successfully


Because I'm in China, I don't know why I can't use it.

Yes,i'm in china too.And i pay it successfully


Then can you tell me the tutorial, because I really can't do it.

Since you should also know the language here in China, or where are you from on our side?

首先,搜索paypal,然后进入官网,注册一个自己的账号。之后找到关联借记卡或信用卡选项,输入银行卡号,即可绑定成功。再回到此页面,选择pay with paypal,即可支付。

As a Chinese, I want to tell you that some people use your games to cheat people and other behaviors.

Yes very sad, please stay safe!

When i purchase the android version, is there going to be future updates to it and ill have to pay again? not entirely sure how this works


Once you pay once, won't have to pay again for updates :) 

I've pay for this!!! Thank you for port to android,i'll wait for the next update

Yay thanks for your support! Hope you can enjoy it :D 


Omg i am so happy to play this game yes!!!


Well, I'm patient, I'll wait for the free version on android


No plans for android version to become free. Sorry if that's too expensive for you! 


Why can't we love your game on a more discreet screen for free ? 


Because any adult with a phone should also have $5 :)


i hate to say it but it make sense 


Damn. Sad to be broke rn..


why do i need to buy on android?


Helps support us! And a few other reasons too

Oh ok

I noticed you earn coins now; what're they for?


Will be used to buy from the vending machine which is currently only in the supporter build, but will come in the next update! 

Cool! Can't wait to see it!






Never mind it costs money




What's wrong with money? LOL


I mean, all of the other versions are free, you could do a sort of hand me down system where Itch gets the second most recent versions for free, but the newest one is paid only, a lot of people here tend to work with that system.


That's what the main version is like, with the SubStar supporter version being the most updated.


Yeah Lovecraft Locker at least have a demo version for android


We don't do demos for this, but feel free to go play theirs then

With my current living situation i dont have much privacy, so i could only followed the development of TL1. LCL appeared with a mobile answer and i always worried about conflict between the devs but due to being on different platforms i hoped nothing would come about. I'm glad HP and SG were able to come to terms.

Now onto TL2. I like the casual play this brings to the table alongside the higher quality capture animations. Will animations progress on their own or are they gonna stay manual? I'm hoping they auto-progress. Of the two animations the bathroom one is my favorite. Visual penetration is better than presumed. I also noticed the attention to detail when you recapture a girl. A nice touch. 

I guess my only gripe is some of the buttons don't work as intended but this is still an early release so I can't wait to see what becomes of TL2.

No plans for auto animations. It could be nice, but isn't it better to have control of them? 
Which buttons did not work as intended? Happy to look into it. 

Could to an auto animation toggle. 

The "option" button from when you open the menu book, it reacts to touch but does nothing. The quit button from the book also stops working after you go into the bathroom. Never works again even after leaving the bathroom.

option won't do anything on mobile yet, as controlled the screen size in the PC version. Will look into the quit button not working. 

Awesome.  Only other issue I see is the blue "X" moves around and overlaps with the menu button. It doesn't seem like an issue now but I know overlapping buttons in games never turns out well. May create issues down the line.

It's intended to overlap the menu button to show that button now closes things out. But let us know if anything wonky happens! 

(3 edits) (+3)(-8)

You make a android version but😭i can't pay i really hope it's free i dont have any please be free 😭😭😭😭😭🙏😭😭😭😭😭😭 I can't believe in my heart i thought it was free i think my life is now.. 😭 I think is never gonna be free my life is get more mess and worst i really like to play it now but i have to pay😭😭😭😭


jesus just get a PayPal account and put 5 dollars there. Not to be rude or anything but that's the only way for them to earn money:


You sound like a fuckin loser my guy, get a job like everyone else and stop doing whatever this it


Um I'm desperate but not this desperate Jesus I waited a month or two so I can wait till I get a phone number to make a paypal


You all sound like children. You guys sure you should be playing these games? lmao. Just damn pay lmao


Another main reason we made it paid LOL


if only itch accepts gcash that way I can buy the andriod with no resistance.





Oh what?


it costs 5 dollars and I'm really cheap lol


Well they aren't cheap games :( 


Yeah, I know. 

It has nothing to do with the product itself. 

I just really don't like spending money when I feel like I don't have to. 

I spent like, a month deciding whether or not Wallpaper Engine would be worth it, even though it's just 4 dollars.


Well that's why the normal version is free ;) 






Saw this on twitter and decided to try it, downloaded the free version for PC for now to see if it's worth investing in, and gotta say this looks promising going forward. Given that it's clearly early in development the fact that there's only two zones and two animations is understandable, but I'm looking forward to more options and abilities. The "overworld" (so to speak) walking animation is funny and cute, but once the "capture" is done I appreciate how fluid the important scene is. That makes me eager to see the rest as it's developed... But I would like to ask about a couple of potential things that might enhance my enjoyment, personally:
-What are the chances of an option for stomach bulges from the tentacle penetration
-What are the chances of an option of cum inflation (pretty common in tentacle hentai and games)
-What are the chances of some kind of "insemination" or "egg laying" option (even if it doesn't actually amount to much more than some kind of screen cut or the like that implies it happens and has no other bearing on the game)
Bar minimum I'm investing the $5 so I have access to this on phone as well, but before considering further than that I wanted to know if these are things the dev team are interested/willing to do since those are the kinds of things that might push me over toward subscribing on subscribestar. This isn't me demanding these features be added, but rather trying to see the route development might be going in before I put my money on the table. Either way, I'm sharing this around to some people I know will be interested in the state of the game regardless because as it stands the animations we have so far are solid, and the game itself is interesting.


Thanks for the kind words and support! Currently no plans that I know of when it comes to bulges, cum inflation, or insemination. But could change as we add new scenes and things. Annue's got lots of ideas in the head, but our supporters on SubStar also get a say as to what we work on next. Please look forward to more scenes as we flesh things out! 

I'll pay close attention, then, and see what may come. I can't imagine that these things are necessarily the hardest additions, but it's still things to add to a queue of existing things and takes time and resources that may or may not improve the game experience for others and/or just be something Annue is even interested in adding in the first place, so I get that. If they get added I'll be happy, but if not I guess them's the breaks.


For sure!! We have LOTS of stuff we wanna add and expand upon so can't make everyone happy right away, but hopefully in the future! 


happy to see that the android version is out but when is it going to be free?


why would it be free?


maybe he is saying this because the other versions are free and he didn't read the "dev log" about it


So Glad its official. I can see that it does have  a ways to go but nonetheless happy it wasn't an empty promise. I don't think you know how much it means to me. A developer listening to its audience, what an incredible idea. 

Only complaints are that the locker scene is like a downgrade because her body is facing to the side and you cant see the 'epic gameplay'. Also maybe a close up would be nice. Toilet is fine. 

Then second is that when grabbing a girl it takes to long to do anything after. There would be times a huge group would come by but I only manage to get a few , if I'm lucky, because I'm in this stun lock of watching the girl get pulled in the locker. 

Hopefully these change but as for right, those are my complaints as of now.

Now for something completely different. Time for me to be HORNY. If I could request one thing, it would be the add panties. Different types(Bikini, Thong, G-string, ect.) and different colors. Please no plain white panties. It boring. Got to give them personality. Then the different positions like to the side, pulled down, around one leg or both, do a funny and put it on the girls head or my favorite.

Panty penetration. Have the tentacles do the girls but with the panties in the way. The panties aren't ripped but used like a condom, if that makes sense.


Thanks for the kind words and cool ideas!!

(1 edit)

Can this be on android please🥺🙏😭 i really like this game and biggest fan of yours please android of this game and if u do best life ever in the world or.. worst life ever. Please android 


Please be patient, we are working on it!

(3 edits)

Ok then👍 i better wait

(1 edit) (+1)

Is there a list of updates or like a chart of what you want to add in the future?

-So we can know what to expect

(1 edit) (+2)

Great questions! Currently all in Annue's head :P but I'll try and get them to write it down at some point haha

Option and quit button isn't work.
Golden girl will be release?


Make for androi


I really want this game on android😢


Hotpink please don't ignore me! 😭🙏


Did i ignord😭

(1 edit) (-6)

Hotpink please answer my comment down below😭😭

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