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idk but this upd feel a bit... uncompleted?


how come? I mean we always adding to it. But curious what you'd want to see more of


Semen stuck to her clothes in a pool of white water after she got out of the pool and her stomach was bloated. :)


the animation when the tentacle get out of the water (in the pool) just weird, and clothes i bought doesn't work in the gym and the pool


The clothes needs time to add. It is a entire different scene, so they have to redraw it in the files or sth

(2 edits) (-1)

Just curious about something, have you made the heart sticker envelope that is in the toilet room unobtainable? On Android, I couldn't move past a certain point to collect it


Oh yeah, looks like it's a little too far. lol will get fixed later


What How Play miss 😭😭 plss play 


Gota download the android version I'm guessing

Deleted 90 days ago

Well Annue keeps wanna to add little things to it here and then, so ready when it's ready I guess haha

Deleted 90 days ago

quality for sure! And some a little silly too :P 


will u ever make one for ios?


No. Never going to be an option. Sorry


Ios is not favoured here. I use iphone and I couldn’t find a good erotic game. Seems the only way to get game on ios is by app store or moving files from a mac


Where is android new version


later today :P 
Getting it touched up. Sorry for the delay 


it's all good 👍 


im new to this how do i open the game?


Download the right file, unzip it, find the game file and click on it. 




how to take a peak in pc ?


Space again on the locker you want




Yes it’s real




I don't see the pool all I see is flip flops and a rubber ducky at end of the left side of the hallway


press space when the arrow lights up :P 


there is no arrow


nvm found a fix (for app at least)

when it asks which version you wanna open do the middle one. top one is previous version, bottom one is before pool was even thought of


oh wild lol. I don't test stuff out on the itch app tbh. But glad ya got it figured out!


which one doing click? I'm on Mac


nvm I figured it out thx!


The one that says MAC! lol


why they never drowned in the pool


The tentacle gives them oxygen through the mouth lol


To be completely honest, that sounds so uncomfortable but I assume it's just be the same as deep throating so I'd enjoy it either way 


I want a teacher!!

Are there any plans to implement teachers?


someday yeah




does the golden girls on appear in the hallway or also in the other areas to 


Just hallway for now


Damn it I've wasted so much time camping the other places for the golden chick.

When are you guys gonna add cumflation and all the other items to the girls in Pool & Gym?


We wanna get new areas in first for sure. So not until later maybe


So, the tentacle in there mouth while they're underwater, it's giving them oxygen, right?


Technically. But I’m wondering how the semen doesn’t dilute in the water.


My patience is once again, rewarded tenfold, Thank you!


it`s a great game !!! However, could you add some item in the shop that can make girls naked ?


To be honest, I don't think they could make the girls fully naked but maybe less clothing could be an option (crop topped sailor shirts that they wear and a skirt that looks like panties, maybe even barely a skirt at all) But even if they did make them fully naked, I'd not be complaining


lol, maybe you are right, it could be little strange if the girls walk on the hallway of the school ...... without any clothes. But the girls are so lovely, and i hope i can see their naked. (it looks like i am a hentai)


...You do realize you can see them naked if you just look inside the locker (or other object) after pulling them in?


oh, that is not fully naked right ? i remember the girl stills wearing their uniform.


Partially, but You can see more nudity outside of the halls (bathroom and gym). Bathroom is probably your best place to go. Enjoy!


I really love this game and I hope there will be more content in the next update.


For me it's giving me a bug because the download for Android doesn't appear


Which version? 


“We really need to add a fishing minigame”


This is a welcome update! Good stuff all around, new animation is very nice. Great work! One thing I do have to critique though, is the 'grabbing' animation for the pool room. It's just a bit off, with the tentacle reaching up being kind of awkward with how the animation continues to play as the girls are dragged into the pool being odd.

Looking forward for the next update! Good luck




why did a random guy hand me a note and say "check this game out" I am now scared.   10/10 art style though I g-guess??




Lol that’s convenient

Peanut butter sandwich

Peanut butter and jelly dance

(1 edit) (+1)(-4)

These Updates take to long. ik its not easy to make these games but in this update was just a new area with one new animation. What about new Items or more different animations? Its still a good game but it gets boring after a few minutes. The new Animation is the best so far


Well do you want more updates or more content? :P 
Takes time to make quality stuff, so glad you like our most recent one. But we will try and streamline what we can. 


more content


can you PLEASE add an option to toggle upgrades?


It's already in there! Just press the button in the vending machine. Should see an OFF/ON indicator telling you if it's enable or not. 

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

I'm afraid the "come over here" achievement isn't working properly. I don't know if it's a known issue of the linux version.


I can't seem to replicate it not working for people :P Simplest way to do it is just get a girl in a locker, view the scene, exit out early, capture her again. Do that 10 times. Is that how you are doing it, or how? 


that is what i was doing and it still didnt work


Yeah, that's exactly how I tried to achieve it. Sorry, I'd love to be of more help.


I'll keep looking into it :P 








Ok :) Done


They forgot update

🔥🔥Updating the page every 20 minutes🔥🔥

I’m impressed by your determination, but there won’t be any update.


Lol don't you get an email or notif when you following us here? just wait for that... or just refresh it now ;)


I doubt there will be an update lol





(1 edit) (-1)

Im lagging like crazy when i catch a girl on the new pool area T^T (im on mobile)


5/1 still waiting for the update :(




It's not 5/1 until TOMORROW! What happens then ;) wait and see? 


Different time zones i suppose. It's 5/1 2 p.m. here in China.


Yes.I am Chinese.



Preparem as roupas de banho para seus tentaculos 😈🔥💯


Lol it’s not going to be out anytime soon

(1 edit) (-1)

Eu gostaria de doar através do SubscribeStar, mas meu pagamento sempre é recusado. Vocês considerariam adicionar outra opção para acesso antecipado nas próximas atualizações?

(Pelo menos me diga que vai sair ate 04/05)


pretty good game. could you add some teachers or something that bang the lockers and stun that one just to make the game a little harder, just some ideas :)


Teacher will be in some future update :)


4/29 still waiting for the update :)


This week? ;) 


yes please



(1 edit) (+4)(-2)

bruh... I'm too broke to afford this fr.🥲

(Edit: I mostly play mobile...)


It's free!


Its 5.00$ for android. So it ain't free, though it is cheap

Deleted 283 days ago
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