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Oh what?


it costs 5 dollars and I'm really cheap lol


Well they aren't cheap games :( 


Yeah, I know. 

It has nothing to do with the product itself. 

I just really don't like spending money when I feel like I don't have to. 

I spent like, a month deciding whether or not Wallpaper Engine would be worth it, even though it's just 4 dollars.


Well that's why the normal version is free ;) 






Saw this on twitter and decided to try it, downloaded the free version for PC for now to see if it's worth investing in, and gotta say this looks promising going forward. Given that it's clearly early in development the fact that there's only two zones and two animations is understandable, but I'm looking forward to more options and abilities. The "overworld" (so to speak) walking animation is funny and cute, but once the "capture" is done I appreciate how fluid the important scene is. That makes me eager to see the rest as it's developed... But I would like to ask about a couple of potential things that might enhance my enjoyment, personally:
-What are the chances of an option for stomach bulges from the tentacle penetration
-What are the chances of an option of cum inflation (pretty common in tentacle hentai and games)
-What are the chances of some kind of "insemination" or "egg laying" option (even if it doesn't actually amount to much more than some kind of screen cut or the like that implies it happens and has no other bearing on the game)
Bar minimum I'm investing the $5 so I have access to this on phone as well, but before considering further than that I wanted to know if these are things the dev team are interested/willing to do since those are the kinds of things that might push me over toward subscribing on subscribestar. This isn't me demanding these features be added, but rather trying to see the route development might be going in before I put my money on the table. Either way, I'm sharing this around to some people I know will be interested in the state of the game regardless because as it stands the animations we have so far are solid, and the game itself is interesting.


Thanks for the kind words and support! Currently no plans that I know of when it comes to bulges, cum inflation, or insemination. But could change as we add new scenes and things. Annue's got lots of ideas in the head, but our supporters on SubStar also get a say as to what we work on next. Please look forward to more scenes as we flesh things out! 

I'll pay close attention, then, and see what may come. I can't imagine that these things are necessarily the hardest additions, but it's still things to add to a queue of existing things and takes time and resources that may or may not improve the game experience for others and/or just be something Annue is even interested in adding in the first place, so I get that. If they get added I'll be happy, but if not I guess them's the breaks.


For sure!! We have LOTS of stuff we wanna add and expand upon so can't make everyone happy right away, but hopefully in the future! 


happy to see that the android version is out but when is it going to be free?


why would it be free?


maybe he is saying this because the other versions are free and he didn't read the "dev log" about it


So Glad its official. I can see that it does have  a ways to go but nonetheless happy it wasn't an empty promise. I don't think you know how much it means to me. A developer listening to its audience, what an incredible idea. 

Only complaints are that the locker scene is like a downgrade because her body is facing to the side and you cant see the 'epic gameplay'. Also maybe a close up would be nice. Toilet is fine. 

Then second is that when grabbing a girl it takes to long to do anything after. There would be times a huge group would come by but I only manage to get a few , if I'm lucky, because I'm in this stun lock of watching the girl get pulled in the locker. 

Hopefully these change but as for right, those are my complaints as of now.

Now for something completely different. Time for me to be HORNY. If I could request one thing, it would be the add panties. Different types(Bikini, Thong, G-string, ect.) and different colors. Please no plain white panties. It boring. Got to give them personality. Then the different positions like to the side, pulled down, around one leg or both, do a funny and put it on the girls head or my favorite.

Panty penetration. Have the tentacles do the girls but with the panties in the way. The panties aren't ripped but used like a condom, if that makes sense.


Thanks for the kind words and cool ideas!!

(1 edit)

Can this be on android please🥺🙏😭 i really like this game and biggest fan of yours please android of this game and if u do best life ever in the world or.. worst life ever. Please android 


Please be patient, we are working on it!

(3 edits)

Ok then👍 i better wait

(1 edit) (+1)

Is there a list of updates or like a chart of what you want to add in the future?

-So we can know what to expect

(1 edit) (+2)

Great questions! Currently all in Annue's head :P but I'll try and get them to write it down at some point haha

Option and quit button isn't work.
Golden girl will be release?


Make for androi


I really want this game on android😢


Hotpink please don't ignore me! 😭🙏


Did i ignord😭

(1 edit) (-6)

Hotpink please answer my comment down below😭😭

(1 edit) (+1)(-5)

I hope you will make a  android version if you do your the best creator in the world! 🤩


Don't worry it's coming lol

I'm unable to access the bathroom for some reason. I tried pressing space over it, closing the game and reopening it, am I required to capture a certain number of girls?

Nope. Make sure you have the latest version and it should have an outline when the door is in the center of the screen. 

Where is the gold girl at? i miss her.

(1 edit) (+1)

Is there any way to do a set payment to get the full version of this game? I'm a broke boi so paying monthly isn't ideal for me

No plans for that right now, but feel free to pledge to get the game and just cancel when you can't support any more


If there are more different positions would be more interesting.

When do you think the next game would come out? (As in the one With accessories.) :


Less than a month ;D

Nice! :)

it's just me or we really can't use the vending machine to buy accessory item?


Only supporters can for now, but next update it will become public :)

oh, thanks for letting me know, wish u best of luck!

And when it's the next update coming out ?

Deleted 2 years ago

The book menu? You can press the book button, or 'M' on your keyboard. That works on all versions. Or is the issue somewhere else? 


I'll happily pay 10$ when (if) mobile releases


Great! We are working on it ;)

There is a bit on the tip of brown hair ponytail girl it's very small and only happens on the bathroom scene but it could be fixed other then that everything looks great!

Yep, we also caught this so thanks, and will be fixed haha

What are gold coins used for?

I think it's possible to update some props.


What would you like to update next?

i wish there was more different types of scene

what are the coins for?

maybe for accessories in the next update


Give android


Amazing game for a quick ejection :>


android please my phone is android 


next update have glasses 😳

When the bathroom is closed, the grey square to the left of the door will go behind the door(?)


Does this work on Mac with Apple Silicon? Cause I have noticed most devs don’t actually specify that in their notes.

I don't think it uses any Silicon stuff, but should work fine without it on any Mac. If it doesn't let me know! 

(1 edit)

Seemed to work fine. Just some of the games compiled for Mac that weren’t created on Mac don’t work on Silicon. If you ever need a Mac tester I’m available.


I work on Mac too :) but it's an older laptop haha




Love the game!, yet it's still missing some things I'd love to see it gets added (1 to 5, prio to 1);
1. An APK version, every small unity H game I see has an APK version so I believe it's not hard to do so! It's also not a game I'd want to boot up my PC for, will be much more comfy on phone :c.
2. Stomach bulge! since it's a thick tentacle, it should be possible, right? (not easily achieved I think?).
3. Various boob sizes, should be harder to achieve since it requires new artwork to be done :/
4. Be able to strip them nude in the lockers etc. (not easily achieved again I think?).
5. Custom character creation way later in the game with a free mode? Not necessary though, it's just a fun idea.


Android pls...


cn you make a vers for chromeboo or andriod?


What's the coins for?

Can't do anything them in the public build right now, used to buy accessories which will become public in the next update. But the coins you make now will carry over then ;)


After you let the girl with long orange hair out of a locker/stall, the cum between her legs seems to be behind her hair

Yea this is a known bug, and already fixed for the next update :) 

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