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where is the calming breeze of enlightenment for Molli? great game so far <3

(2 edits) (+7)(-5)

If this  unfinished and unpolished project is completed and worth 12 bucks then I am an unicorn and can fly it's a shame that such potential is wasted only half of the characters have good animation with good quality Wich is a shame because the voices in the majority are really good and the animation just ruins it the worst and more irritating one is the succubus that much build up for that animation also vamp girl and nurse should have one animation each only one for both is lazy and cheap


well sorry you feel that way :P but most people like it


Maybe learn how to spell correctly before you start hating on people's games. 


It's ok. I don't spell so good either :) but we do like to finish and polish everything we make, including comments ;) 


si lo digo en español ya verás como no cometo ninguna falta de ortografía otra cosa es que me entiendas , muy justo faltar sin saber siquiera si está esa persona hablando en su lengua materna 

Is every character supposed to give you a teddy in the underground store, whenever you completed their quest or am I missing something?

There is space for 12 Teddys and I know one of them you doesnt get from a character, but from a hidden image lying around, and the game progresses like you are supposed to get a teddy from each character, but for some reason I dont get Teddys from 2 characters, the Kitsune who wants spirits, and the girl who couldnt find her nurse, despide completing both, a Teddy doesnt appear in the shelf spots.

Dont know if full version is bugged, or if Im missing something, I speedran the game through again to see if first run was bugged, but same result during the 2nd run.


There was a voodoo character planned, but didn't get finished. And we had the dolls made for that, and didn't want to go to waste so I figured would be cute to have them show up after lewding the characters.   But not everyone got a doll made, and so the shelf doesn't quite fill up. Sorry for the confusion with it! 


i mean li love the animation i just need a full version


there is a full version? or what do you mean?

I feel like I'm missing a secret ending or something. All notes done, got the Goth scene and now she's hinting there are more people to find plus the weird hidden jar item that I can't reach.


Nothing too special of an ending, just like to keep teasing ;) 


Are there going to be any futa scenes in future builds?

(1 edit) (-2)

No extra updates planned. This is the full game. But our other games do ;) 

(1 edit) (+4)(-3)

Overall i'd give the full game a 4/10. The tarot cards you find around the map look pretty cool but that's it. Each credited artist has their own character and I assume did their own part of the animations. A majority of the animations are pretty low quality, some looks as if it were animated in MS Paint. For the quality and content of this game I wouldn't have paid more than 5$

Free version is like a demo? without future new content?



Yep! No new content is planned for this project, as the game is finished.

what version is this game?

On Patreon you will get early access to the next updates it you buy it on itch you won't get the update early


I wanna know if i'm going to get the udates or if i'll have to pay again :D

If you buy it on itch it will say that there is a update in Patreon on discord it will say by announcement

That there is a new update in discord


No you don't have to buy it again

No updates for this projected planned, but if you pay here, yes you would get them. 

There won't be updates for this game. This is the full game 

Thanks for all the replies

How long is the gameplay



For a 12$ game with no plans for an future update, its a shame to say that the game takes aproximately an hour or less to beat.


Well... depends how long you stay on certain scenes ;) 

DI'd you buy it on Patreon


If I pay now, do I also get the next updates?

So it's your choice


My in my country 12 $ is R223 that's all plz dev if it is possible 


Dev will it be weekly updates or monthly

No updates planned here. This is the full game

so like, is this gonna be put on steam? would make it a lot easier for people to pay for it. looks really fun! bit pricey but hey atleast it looks way better than most Hentai games.

I've been thinking about it, and not sure it would pass Steam certification. But I will see and ask around! 


Pls dev lower the prize


Personally I suggest for devs to not put on steam, with the current price and amount of Content, the game would go into the category of games that has a higher price compared to amount of content, and because the game can be beat in aproximately an Hour, it would go under the games on steams that can easily be refunded. So steam wouldnt be an easy market for this game, unless the price was significantly lowered.

Yep, that's for sure. We've got bigger games we want on Steam later. And this was never planed to be big enough for Steam 


Well i have to say 12$ for this is a bit too much i think. 

I know that creating a game from zero is not that easy and for sure you all put a lot of effort into this, but for what it is i wouldn't make it cost 12$. Despite that, i enjoyed playing it and some of the animations were actually good. 

What would you have charged for it? I was thinking keeping it cheeper than a movie for example. 


Maybe like 8$ or 7$.

Hi, I have a youtube channel of adult games. I'm interested in presenting your game to my audience, if you're interested, look for me on the channel's email. Congratulations on the game and a hug friend!

Yeah sure go for it, and let us know when you post something about it!

(1 edit)

what happened to supreme_mieme character?

Ugh, what's that? 


well, I've seen on twitter a trailer of the game that featured a character with a doll, designed by supreme_mieme and voiced by TemptyVA. Looks like it didn't make it to the final version, and supreme_mieme twitter account "doesn't exist" (or was deleted). Did something happen?


Oh yeah, I had forgotten haha. Their twitter is now @soff_doll and yeah, were unable to finish the character. Sorry about that

On my pc the game drops a lot of frames for some reason, gpu usage is at max 75% and cpu max 68% with only 20 -30 fps, when it has a specific place that reaches 60 fps.

GPU: HD 7750 1GB

CPU: Q8200S


Windows 10


Thanks for the feedback! Did you drop the quality settings at all? 

This is prob on the low end, so deff lower it and the screen size. But should be fine once you get to the lewd scenes fyi ;) 

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love the visual vibe!

I cant find tarot card numbers 0, 8, 9, 11, 14, 16, 20, and 21. Or am I wrong and these cards aren't in the game?


tbh I forgot they were even numbered lol. But not every tarot is in the game. Some were hard to make lewd so just didn't do every one

Ahh ok, gotcha 

(1 edit) (+3)(-2)

will the full game ever be free?




I saw femboys and this was a instant purchase




gotta love the femboys


I completed the entire game got everyone but she is still saying that there are stilll one or two that I should satisfy and i looked everywhere and found nothing


Doesn't change even after you have done everything. 

(1 edit) (+4)(-1)

Wait what, so there's no ending? It feels like the game is one update behind a 1.0. Kind of lame as I just wandered around for a good 20 mins looking for secrets that didn't exist. I found a place across the street from the ghost girl where a garbage bin is blocking a path between two electrical boxes, and a little further behind it is a broken wall that seems like you should be able to get back there and walk through. But there's no way to clear the garbage bin, and I've 100% the game as far as I can tell.

Edit: Actually, probably not a broken wall, just looked that way from the shape of the arches on the building. Still looked like a clearable path though.


Just be done with it when you feel you are done with it :) 

Didn't want to have an "ending" per-say. 


I get you. Just a little misleading for completionists like me. Fantastic game though, even if some of the scenes weren't for me. I know you said there's no plans for an update, but a better way to track progress or to see that you've gotten everything would be the cherry on top.


Yep, totally get it. Maybe some day, so thanks for the feedback :) 

The download fails at the middle. Any solution?


Have not heard that yet. Is your internet OK? 


What's the difference between the free and paid version?

Paid is the full game, free is just like a demo/trial 

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Why isnt the MC a human? I can see why you dont have more subs after so long now looking at your other games and this, no idea what the market wants at all lmao.


The market? Subs? I mean sure we don't pander to the masses, but this just seems like an attack coming from a lack of empathy and not an actual question. 


I prefer to not play as a human, humans to me are kinda boring.  Your own personal preference doesn't speak for the entire market.  Neither does mine, but you trying to pretend like what you like is what everyone likes isn't cool at all.

There's two empty spots on the shelf, I'm guessing for charlotte and the nurse?  Is there more content after watching the milking scene in the apartment?  I can't find them anywhere.


No, not every slot on the shelf fills up


That's kinda misleading game design, my guy


would you rather not have them there at all? Just didn't have enough finished characters to fill up every shelf


To be fair, you could have made the shelves in a way where they'd fill up in a way that at least makes it clear that that's everything. Random blank spots are kind of weird, makes people think something should go there in most cases.


Yep yep, fair enough. But couldn't make it look good with what we had, so figured it was a fun thing better than nothing, but I get it :P 

If I buy the game for $12 now will I have access to further updates?


The game is done, so no plans for updates, but if there is and you have bought then yes you will get them. 

Where is the venus plant and the 3rd piece of candy?


3rd candy you get for beating the high score in the arcade ;) 

Look for the Venus Fly Snatch in an area with grass 


I cant close pictures, do yall have an idea as to why


Bugged in the free version. Uploading the fix as I write this! 

Will u be doing a android version? Just asking.


Don't think it would run well on androids so not planning on too at this time. 

(1 edit)

(Google Translate 😅) ↦ Regarding the message that appears in the game, regarding buying the full version to explore the scenario at will, if you want me to buy the full version, try to put subtitles in Portuguese, please!


Thanks for the comment. We don't plan to have a translation of this game, but will be working on it for future games for sure! 

 I see... well, I'll probably still buy it later, I liked this game!


Thanks, and hope you can enjoy it!

Question about the art.

Was the art premade and repurposed, or was it made for this project? Only asking because I see so many credited artists.


Made specifically for this project! We've done other halloween collab projects in the past, but this our biggest one yet by far! So why so many credits haha

(2 edits)

After playing the demo a bit, I ended up binding the up arrow key to my right click. I highly recommend making that an option in the actual game, as it allows one-handed play. 

Oh nice, hehe. 

Can you rebind keys?


No, sorry


Any chance/plans to add that functionality? I'm a leftie and use my left hand to control the mouse, so WASD is borderline unusable for me.


You can use the arrows too. Or does that not fix the issue? 

(1 edit)

Tried it out for a moment - you still have any kind of menu buttons being kinda uncomfortably placed.

Also how do you back out from the gallery? Esc did nothing.


Hmmm true. And if you are on the free version it's bugged right now, but fixing as I write this. Otherwise you can press the white circle back button.


Could the stuff with Alley be a little less... taking-advantage-of-somebody-who's-asleep-y? Pls 

(Also a sprint key would be awesome, too) 


is there only 1 candy in the free version?


Yep! The rest are in the full version ;) 

I can only find 2, where is the 3rd and where is the Venus Fly Snatch. Ive looked seemingly everywhere.


3rd candy you get for beating the high score in the arcade ;) 

Look for the Venus Fly Snatch in an area with grass 


am i blind or is the third candy you need to gather the one from the free version?
When i went from free to full i managed to have all 3 Candies, but now i've tried again on the full version and i only find 2 Candies, the one at her spot and the one in the plush store?


Hmmmm might be an over sight if you can use the one from the free version... 

But you might get some candy as a reward from beating the high score at the arcade on one of the games ;D  

ahh got it, okay, thanks :3


then you may NOT  have overlooked something, i was just stupid :3


Maybe that too :P haha


Can gangbangs or other male scenes be avoided?


gangbang stuff not animated, and just the secrets. So you'll see them in the gallery, but you don't have to click on them. 

MC does have a penis, but they are not in every scene. 


I might be dumb but in the demo i can't exit media or cards after i click the pictures

Deleted 1 year ago

Thanks, just tested this. Only in the free version. Will work on getting a fix out soon! 

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